Monday, February 20, 2023

Don’t Quote Me on This, but There May Be Something Funny Going On With Fox News

Every mainstream media outlet reacting to text messages confirming (for the umpteenth time) that Fox News really is the vile, conspiracy mongering, fascist shithole --

-- the Left has always said it is.

This video is from 16 years ago, talking about Fox News as it had already existed for the decade before that.

Alert Reader Mark thinks this 2009 vivisection of Fox by Jon Stewart takes the belt.  It might be.  

By the way and for the record, 2009 was ... let's see now ... carry the one ... 14 years ago.

No Fair Remembering Stuff

1 comment:

Robt said...

When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around. Does it still make a sound?

If and when a bear shits in the woods .wand no one is around. Does it still stink and draws flies?

When FOX lies to it's loyal viewers and the rest of us aren't around to hear the lies.
Why is it we all who do not watch have to hear the lies when we were not watching to hear them.

No sure but if this is what you meant by something happening over at the FOX.
I don't know for sure nd I am only asking a question. Is it true FOX is in the process of hiding its money from people that want $1,6 billion of the FOX money? Is Putin holding on to FOX's money for them?
Just asking...........

We know when the FOX (once in a blue moon ) stumbles into a truth/fact. As announcing Biden won Arizona. FOX Viewers leave and flock to the petrified newsmax forest.
Where they can still hear lies spoken in the forest of the lost world.