Thursday, February 09, 2023

A BradCasting We Will Go

The inimitable team of Brad and Desi were kind enough to invite me to join the redoubtable Digby on their cool radio show/podcast joint.  

We had a ball.

If you'd like to hear The Ancients of Blogging discussing state of our politics (and me not swearing even a little bit... until the mics were shut off... then, hoo boy!) click the link here.

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"But to describe those accomplishments - and frankly, that's still a small list overall - to describe those accomplishments, or to ignore them as 'little' or 'nothing,' well that suggests that you are misinformed, or are dishonest, or a member of the group I describe as the 'Contrarian Industrial Complex.'"

I kept waiting for him to say, "or, a Republican." Though I guess saying "liar" and "Republican" does lean strongly towards redundancy.

Thanks for all you do!