Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Who Will Be The GOP's Sixth and Seventh Dwarf?


Since they've already crashed and burned with:





It's bound to be something spectacular.

Help Defray My Châteauneuf-du-Schadenfreude Bills


Jim from MN said...

Santos as "Fibby"

Robt said...

You cannot trust a republican. Especially one that has been our minority leader for years.
We could have replaced him any time during those past years, but we were too busy trying to eat liberals lunches.
A starving republican zombie is a terrible thing. And Kevin as a republican has known this all his GOP career.

Robt said...

If the GOP house has a member with the numbers 666 on the back of his neck.

Expect him to be the next speaker.

All the good strong republicans like Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Hastert, Jeffrey Dahmer, are gone.

But wait. One still exists. The Newt. When he is not playing the clown in "It"

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Marco Rubio, the Republican Savior.

Best to you and your loved ones.