Friday, January 13, 2023

The New York Times is Sooo Thirsty

Remind you of anything?

Study: Hillary Clinton’s emails got as much front-page coverage in 6 days as policy did in 69

A stark finding from an analysis of New York Times coverage.



I Am The Liberal Media


Duncan Watson said...

For some reason I didn't make the connection. But you are right we are going to hear about this for the rest of my life, aren't we?

Grung_e_Gene said...

FTFNYT remains as trenchant as it does accurate.

Robt said...

The right wing billionaires can spend all their tx cuts on
loid, repeated nauseous exaggerated lies. Spew it over and over to "catapult the propaganda" / For there bought and owned republican legislators all they want.

It comes down to fooling some of the people some of the time and always leaves them with the dupes they deserve. The dupes that are unreliable and will turn on the voices that tickle their self flogging bone.
The problem is, the rest of us having to deprogram or find an anti virus to help the infected before they turn their scorn and violence on the right wing billionaires that fund it.
I say let the zombies eat the flesh off the right wing billionaires that fund this.

dinthebeast said...

I kind of hated disco, but:

And now it's alright, it's okay
And you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Yes, actually. It reminds me that America's political media is a reeking, rotten, zombie-shambling mockery of the fact-driven, impartial, honest purveyor of information and analysis that it styles itself to be. (Not all. Yes. Got it.)

Robt said...

Just like the freak out from right wing media over gas stoves as a battle cry. Not as a discussion over safety and improve tech.

Not coming for your gas BBQ grills either.

NYT ca publish Brooks' columns of words to somewhere unidentifiable. without adult editorial review.

I wonder, Since the smokey eye Huckabee sanders can ban words in their state from being spoke or printed. Can the NYT use those banned words in their paper that is circulated in Arkansas?

Jim from MN said...

Watched MTP this morning to see a confused Republican Sen. Ron Johnson whine about the "liberal media" as he Gish-Galloped (thanks DG) "journalist" Chuck Todd and blabbered on about Hunter Biden's laptop, the "500 riots" in the streets and enough what-aboutism to make Dinesh D'Souza blush.

Robt said...

How did the rule of "both sides do it" only apply to corrupt caught and guilty republicans?

We are only at the beginning of the GOP house rampage and have already had my fill of GOPers in the media using the Phrase, " For the American People ".

The right has made it clear for quite some time WGO THEY HAVE IDENTIFIED AS THE REAL AMRICANS.
To the GOP, I am not a real American.