Thursday, January 12, 2023

Professional Left Podcast #686

""When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.""  -- Jonathan Swift, writer
Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Robt said...

I keep hearing about these mysterious moderate republicans.

If they exist, they are adept at invisibility so not to be seen.

Historically there once were liberals in the republican party. Something that would be Conservative blasphemy today.

There is no free speech in the GOP today because it wuld require open debate and exchanging different ideas. A party of clones have nothing to debate or ideas to exchange.
Republicans spit on conservative Democrats. Just like they do Liberals. Progressives, moderates.
This nonsense of being a conservative and not a republican to define yourself from accepting the idiocy of your ideology is a childish act.
Name me one republican that says he is something other than conservative?

Oh shit, they disguise there bullshit with being Fiscal conservative. Or a Constitutional conservative.
Republicans are so fiscally conservative that they have only shut down government, damage our credit, collapse our economy by holding the Debt Ceiling hostage and only doing this to Democratic presidents.
Wasn't concerned with the debt and spending when Trump was president. They raised the debt ceiling 3 times under Trump.
If I had to pick a country that would epitomize and capture what the full conservative ideals would be like. That country would be Somalia.
A place where one can go to live free. Land of opportunity to live out your fantasy to grow up and live the life of a pirate.

dinthebeast said...

Did the D&S legal team also send a cease and desist letter to biology and demand that D be immediately reinstated to biological function? If so, they would learn the same lesson that the lawyers who attempted to sue god learned: you can't serve them process, so your case will be dismissed.
Perhaps you can get a promotion to A-smircher now that they are only half their former glory.
Happy podcastiversary. Friday the thirteenth to boot. We were invaded while we were at the grocery store by a masked bandit who pulled trash out of the basket, ate the cat food and ripped open a package of M&Ms. The cat denies any involvement, although he had to be the one who opened the door to get back in himself... He never closes the door behind him, even in the bitter cold.
Thank you again for the podcast. Perhaps I'll get that picture of the cat napping inside a wreath that Briana was making off of my phone and send it to you. Sara, whose pictures of herself with the rainbow bootied cat and dog I sent you a while back is going through a rough time just now, so if you could use those pictures it would probably cheer her up a bit. Apparently you don't want to have health problems in Alabama when you are an uninsured musician.

-Doug in Sugar Pine