Tuesday, October 25, 2022

No Fair Remembering Stuff Podcast Episode 2: David Brooks, Part 1

"Memory is the Liberal Superpower" -- driftglass
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duquesne_pdx said...

The real question is: If David Brooks didn't exist, who would be David Brooks?

Robt said...

Answer to who would be Brooks if Brooks wasn't Brooks?

There are many lesser mini Brooks on the wealthy GOP payroll. There are many created in Koch Brothers labs.

Example, Jonah Goldberg. Son of Monica's traitorous grind who broke trust with Monica and blabbed to the GOP of the Blue dress.
Jonah got rewarded with a think tank grooming position to be another Brooks. His coming out article to splash the media of his brilliant credentials.

A story condensing if people just buy up all ivory tusks of elephants slain for them. it would take it off the market??? Just like the the North before the civil war. If the north would have simply bought all the south's slaves they would stop slavery and the Civil War would not have to be fought.
Didn't say they make sense. Just saying there are all the mini me's being stitched together in the right wing Frankenstein's right wing labs.

Think of all the mini Rush Limbaugh's across the right wing radios

Unknown said...

"It's my job to have false confidence in my knowledge."

David Brooks to Jonathan Capehart and Judy Woodruff on PBS Newshour 10/28/2022.

And he was wrong about everything he said, both before and after that remark.