Tuesday, October 25, 2022

No Fair Remembering Stuff: Let Me Sleep On It, Baby, Baby...

I'm sure we all remember where were were a decade ago on this date when Meatloaf bestowed his "meandering" endorsement upon Willard "Mitt" Romney.

It was in all the papers.

From the WaPo:
Meat Loaf endorses Romney in Ohio

 In fact, you're humble scrivener wrote a little song about it.


Wingnut Base: Will you love me forever?

Mittens: Let me sleep on it.

Wingnut Base: Will you love me forever!!!!

Mittens: Let me sleep on it!!

It was a weird time. 

And anyone who had been paying any attention at all, could clearly see the monstrous trajectory the GOP had already been on for decades, how far gone the GOP already was.

I Am The Liberal Media


Anonymous said...

This is from memory, so take it with a few grains of salt.

I remember reading that Sara Gideon lost to Susan Collins because she didn't look or sound enough like a Mainer. She didn't wear the right clothes or have ad footage in the right places. Collins, if memory serves, got an endorsement (and song) from a popular local artist; Gideon didn't.

It's soul-crushing, it's insane, it's bitterly hilarious that such things can swing elections. That citizens in any state can care more about "who looks like folks" than what a person stands for, and what their history shows about them.

I was disappointed when I read about Meat Loaf's endorsement of Romney. I'm glad it didn't carry as much weight as that Maine singer who endorsed Collins.

Robt said...

Remembering Presidential Candide John Kerry on debate stage being questioned with a religious test question.

But no religious test for president is the norm.

Question on abortion;
Sir, you re catholic and you say you follow your faith dearly.

The catholic Church does not approve of abortions. As a practicing Catholic if elected president would you ban abortions ? (wells the basic question)

Kerry responds;
As a individual person I choose to be Catholic ad do follow my faith and the church's teachings.
Yet, I am running for president of America. I would not impose my religion on Americans as their president.

Crowd---- BOOO, Booo.

Some time prior, JFK running for President. His opponent (GP) fund media blitz that JFK is Catholic and as a Catholic if elected, he would take orders from the Pope at the Vatican.

Today, Biden who personally indulges in his Catholicism.

is being denied communion by the American Bishops of the Catholic church and the Pope is not approving of the American Bishops actions to one of its flock.

How the church denies out forgiveness and direction is worth questioning but the church does not approve of question them. Sort of like our SCOTUS fab 6 right now.

As SCOTUS Justice Sammy Alito who bearded false witness to Americans of settled law, throws out Roe decision after 50 years of establishment and surviving all the challenges. He does it with his personal religious views. Shortly after the courts overturning. Justice Sammy flies to the Vatican and basks in accolades and religious glory he cannot get in America.

Hope the memory doesn't become , I remember a constitution of laws that provided me with freedoms and a government that once was began by a preamble witch began with, "We the People?

Neo Tuxedo said...

"So now I'm praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive..."

dinthebeast said...

Never cared much for Meat Loaf. The best thing in my opinion he ever did was Rocky Horror, but Susan the fuck Sarandon was also in that picture.

-Doug in Sugar Pine