Wednesday, September 14, 2022

How It Started: Cenk Uygur Edition

How It's Going:

I Am The Liberal Media


jjdaddyo said...

I hope you took some screen shots of those because that stuff has a way of being deleted by a certain kind of "pundit".

Ian said...

# Defund Cenk Uygur

Robt said...

I bear no ill will to Cenk Uygur.

There has been some some flamboyant moments of harsh condemnation of the GOP that had it coming. Recognizing it was not against me.

But Cenk has traveled a path of something that he did not start out as doing it for.

When I read the texts you provided. If I did not see Cenk's titled name at top of text. I would swear it was the toilet water splash back Sen Lindsey Graham proudly announces each time it occurs to him.

Anonymous said...

Star Trek's Kirk slapping himself is the perfect analogy.

It's one thing when your adversary works contrary to your ethos, but something much more troubling when your own work against it.

Adversary—or nemesis.

There's this wacky newspeak by Cloud City Democrats that democracy must be curtailed by the democratic to counter a radically anti-democratic nemesis. Those who fail to grasp this wisdom are Trogs.

But the simple fact of the matter is Cloud City denizens like democracy only so far as it doesn't contradict their power, and this is true on both sides.

In the Star Trek episode, Kirk gives the Trogs masks and leaves with the Cloud Elites still floating in luxury while the newly inoculated and newly enlightened Trogs remain in the mines. The work of the Federation—whom we should recall was suffering a shortage of key materials to operate its empire—having been done under the strict code of the Prime Directive which is a top-down order to absolutely, completely and totally not interfere in affairs of alien cultures... unless it suits some immediate selfish need by a rogue but charmingly womanizing military commander.

There's so much that can be learned by careful study of old Star Treks.

Robt said...

Tell me you didn't BOTHSIDES the issue?

And Ukraine is just as dictatorial and violently aggressive against freedom because they are actually taking arms and fighting those invaders from Russia.

See, they are both the same.