Tuesday, May 31, 2022

UPDATED: Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says: Andrew Sullivan Can't Stop Andrew Sullivanning, Now Updated With Even More Stupid

Over the years, America's most prominent privileged White, gay, Catholic, Tory, Conservative, Libertarian phrenologist has said and written a lot of remarkably stupid shit. 

 I mean, a lot.

Which I have long-planned to bring to the stage in my just-finished series of 107 one-act plays collectively entitled, Driftglass Enacts All The Breathtakingly Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Has Said To-Date.

I know.  Needs work.

However today I find that the title is the least of my headaches.

Today I find that, if, as a true artist, I want to give my audiences maximum value and verisimilitude for their dollar, I must now pen a god damn 108th Stupid Andrew Sullivan Shit one-act play to add to the pile. Which means my entire Stupid Shit cycle will now clock in at longer than Shakespeare's collected War of Roses plays and Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung combined.

Ah well.  One must suffer for one's art, I suppose.  And if I have to suffer, I am fucking well gonna make sure the audience suffers too.

So now, just for you, a first read-through of play #108, which New York Times theater critic Ben Brantley may well one day refer to  as, "The final coda of an indulgent, eldritch theatrical horror which should never have been spawned.  And if there be a merciful God above, may she act through the offices of Saint Genesius, the patron saint of actors, lawyers, barristers, clowns, comedians, converts, dancers, people with epilepsy, musicians, printers, stenographers, and victims of torture to disappear this monstrosity from the world of men, quickly, leaving no trace of it behind."

And let's lower the lights, raise the curtain, and behold, the framework of the 108th addition to Driftglass Enacts All The Breathtakingly Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Has Said To-Date.

It had to be in the canon.

Had to be.

+  +  +  

UPDATE:   Make that 109 one-act plays, because by God and both the Fowler brothers, when Andrew Sullivan gets on a Stupid Roll --

-- there is no stopping him.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

It is just this small voice in the universe that opines that,

You must have a certain amount of wealth to truly call yourself a libertarian,
It is unaffordable for those without that certain level of wealth.
If the wealth is removed from a Libertarian, he becomes an angry white supremacist.
Putting him on the
Sloppy Steve podcast to talk politics and ideologies would still not be worth it to me to spend time listening to.

No matter how they despise each other or troy to display some sort of common bad.

We hear too much for the bad guys with their bad ideas
and want to hear more of the good guys with the good ideas.

As spoken in the movie , Kelly's heroes", "Always with the negative vibes".

Hal Rager said...

"You must have a certain amount of wealth to truly call yourself a libertarian,
It is unaffordable for those without that certain level of wealth.
If the wealth is removed from a Libertarian, he becomes an angry white supremacist."
Is just wonderful, should I attribute you or is there another to credit?

Robt said...

If anyone looks to Andrew for any serious information. They are going to find themselves wanting.

People as Andy are basically horse and pony tabloid celebrity media parasites.

The has been nothing I ever read of Any or better yet, nothing I have NEVER read that Andrew wrote that left me more informed on any subject it may have been he was address I ever benefited from.
Not because I am so smart or Learned and he is below my level of experience and knowledge.
Because he simply doesn't produce anything of value that benefits anyone. But, will promote his celeb status and earn him a pay check not matter if people read and support his presence in media or not.

He is the king of space filler. Sort of like Gluten in foods.