Monday, January 03, 2022

Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Twitter Bums

Almost a year ago the Twitter cops kicked me permanently and irrevocably off of Twitter over nothing.

I availed myself of their appeals process three times, was rejected without explanation each time, and the third time they told me that I had used up all my appeals and to shut up and go away.  These pronouncement were accompanied with several Dire Warnings of what would happen if I persisted or attempt to evade the might hand of Twitter Justice.

So here's a thing you need to know about bloggers like me.  

When you're a little guy, an independent blogger with no bylines anywhere and no affiliations with any coastal Liberal networks, the only PR you get is the PR you drum up for yourself.  And, of course, word-of-mouth carried into the world by lovely people.  

Self-promotion.  Or what A-List bloggers used to disparage as "blog whoring".  Unseemly.  Wait your turn kid.  And so forth.  Much of which was motivated by the fact that the A-Listers already had friendly contacts in the legacy media and paying gigs in the legacy media, and/or were already networked together and would drive traffic almost exclusively to one another.  

And traffic means revenue, from fundraisers, advertisers and regular contributors.  .

This led such unpleasantness as Blogroll Amnesty Day, which the late, great Jon Swift explained in unsparing detail on his blog long ago.

I remember how difficult it was to get people to notice my blog when I first started out. "Build it and they will come," apparently only works with magic baseball fields. The only way to get anyone to notice my blog was to get them to link to me and that was not always easy. I linked to other bloggers and clicked on those links hoping they would notice my link in Sitemeter. I sent emails to other bloggers asking them to take a look at my latest piece or to add me to their blogrolls. I instituted my "Liberal Blogrolling Policy" offering to exchange links with anyone who linked to me. As more blogs began to link to me and add me to their blogrolls, a curious thing began to happen. More people came to my blog from those links and from Google. And many of those readers then visited the blogs that I linked to. Though it cost nothing to link to someone, I realized that on the Internet links are capital. Every link has value. And when two bloggers link to each other, they both profit.

The idea that links are the capital of the blogosphere seems so obvious that you would think an economist like Atrios of Eschaton would have realized it long ago. And as he is a progressive who has accumulated quite a bit of link wealth, you might also think he would be in favor of redistributing some of that wealth instead of just letting it trickle down. So when he announced last year that he was declaring February 3 Blogroll Amnesty Day, and other bloggers followed suit, I assumed he meant that he was opening his blogroll up to the masses. I sent him a polite email pointing out that his blog was on my blogroll and I would really appreciate it if he would add my blog to his. I never heard back from him.

When February 3 rolled around, many bloggers discovered to their horror that instead of adding new blogs to his blogroll he was throwing many off, including some bloggers who were his longtime friends. Blogroll Amnesty Day, it turned out, was a very Orwellian concept. Instead of granting amnesty to others he was granting amnesty to himself not to feel bad for hurting others feelings. Though Atrios has stubbornly refused to acknowledge that he made a mistake, some bloggers who initially joined him, backtracked. Markos of the Daily Kos instituted a second blogroll that consisted of random links from diarists. PZ Myers of Pharyngula now has real Blogroll Amnesty Days where he invites anyone who has blogrolled him to join his blogroll. And in the wake of the bloodletting quite a number of smaller blogs, like my friend skippy the bush kangaroo, changed their own blogroll policies and now link more freely to others...

As I am reminded every time I take a turn doing Mike's Blog Roundup over at Crooks & Liars and go looking for the latest word from the smaller Liberal   blogs...the Liberal blogosphere is a mere shadow of its former self.  Defunct blogroll links hugely outnumber live, recent ones.  Most of the bloggers who were around back then are gone now.  Moved on, lost interest, or died. 

And yet traffic is still currency, especially for those very few of us who are still around and still have  no bylines anywhere and no affiliations with any coastal Liberal collectives.  And the cheapest and most reliable means of self-promotion out there for someone like me is definitely Twitter.  Virtually no one shows up at my blog front door based on a link or a like on Facebook, but when Twitter cut me off, my traffic dropped by 60-70% almost overnight.  

I write new stuff or doodle up new graphics almost every day, but spontaneously stopping by someone's blog to check out what they've been up every day to is just not how humans operate.  Jon Swift was right;  "Build it and they will come," apparently only works with magic baseball fields.  It does not work for blogging,  People need to have a link and an enticement placed in their hands where they are.  Often repeatedly.  And if what you're offering is more than a single click away, they won't come.   

In the world as it is, promotion is absolutely necessary.  If you need proof, just head over to The Bulwark note of how they use every column, every podcast and every appearance on any media platform at their disposal to relentlessly promote their own people, their advertisers and their various paid subscription offers.

That's what they've got.

What I've got is Twitter, and the podcast I do every week with my wife. and, as I mentioned, the word-of-mouth put into the world by you lovely people.  So when the Twitter cops suddenly decided to toss me out forever for no good reason, that really stung.  Tangibly.  And so for about a year I have been off that hellsite.  Still writing because that's what writers do (he added tautologically) but for a much smaller readership.

So how did I get sprung from Twitter jail?

I have no idea, but I do know how bureaucracies operate, and I figured that after a year there was a decent chance that the pissy, digital ribbon clerk who decided to kick me out and keep me out might well have either quit or moved on to bigger and better things at Twitter, Inc. because nobody stays in that kind of martinet/traffic cop job for long.  So, to quote Lester Freamon, I guess they just forgot about me.  

Some new person reviewed my new appeal, dropped me a note that I had, in fact, not violated any Twitters rules  And just like that, after returning some of my personal effects...

...they sprung me.

So, since I had never violated their terms of service to start with, the question remains, "What was the real reason I was cast out of Twitter with such aggressive finality in the first place?"

And like so much in life, the answer is, I'll never know for certain.

But I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with me engaging in the transgressive practice of asking impertinent questions of important people and remembering inconvenient truths in public without the benefit of clout-heavy friends in high places or a blue check or anything.  

Which, if I remember correctly all these years later, was the reason I got into blogging in the first place. 

No Half Measures


Bobby Carr said...

I learned of Driftglass from a blog roll back in the day. Kinda funny, I saw it through Ornery Bastard’s blog. Good writer, hated Bush. Hated Obama more. He’s probably a MAGA now. Ain’t life weird?

GinnyRED57 said...

What?!? When did this happen? I can see you on the hellsite but you don’t show up in search very well. I was still following you from before, but added notifications for a bit.

Geez, it’s years since I looked at my blogroll, I rarely use anything but an iPhone anymore, but I’m getting a case of Blog Itch (a medicinal remedy is available at your nearest disreputable liberal bromide emporium). But I’ll try to add your blog via an app or something. 😼

dinthebeast said...

I found your blog through Blue Gal, whose blog I found a long, long time ago on

-Doug in Sugar Pine

stickler said...

Free at last...fee at last...

Kelly in Texas said...

I figure it was because there's only so much room in the twitter cells so when they had to put Marjorie Taylor Greene in someone had to be let out.
Lucky you.

dervy scram said...

maybe the Twitters are Obama fans and just don't like you

Robt said...

I wouldn't trade in your Cadillac blog for your Twitter Microphone like Elwood,

I do have a suggestion for the Twitter masters or FaceBook Lords of the realm.

Instead of kicking people off completely. Why not set up a prison walled off media venue for those found guilty of crimes.
It would mean Trump, MT Greene and yourself would end up limited to only communicating with others like yourselves in the "twitter prison" That no one else can see or read..

Habitat Vic said...

I found Drifty maybe 2006 or 2007 thanks to Steve Gilliard at The News Blog (God, I miss his writing). How I found The News Blog? Don't remember for sure. Maybe from Fucked Company (circa 2001, sweet Jesus I'm old), possibly Billmon's blog or other sites along the way. Damn glad to have found this respite from an increasingly hostile conservative world.

Hal Rager said...

Happy 12th Blogaversary! We found you guys sometime in your first year and immediately shared our political views and that we both had a High School son on The Spectrum. We corresponded a bit but that fell off as the aftermath 2008 financial crash fell upon us.
We moved from Las Vegas, NV (housing crash ground zero) to just west of Denver in 2012 but never stopped our weekly appointment with The Professional Left.
My own inactive blog, blivet, had its 22nd Blogaversary in December. I hope to get back on that horse as I continue to labor under the illusion that I have something to say.
Anyway, Happy 12th Blogaversary!

ChiefD said...

I wouldn't discount the possibility that somehow you pissed off Jack Dorsey, and he took a personal interest in having you banned. So when he gave up the Twitter-reins, the new regime instituted a review of all the bans and appeals he had been involved in. Presto-chango, you're back in good graces. At any rate, good for you!