Friday, November 12, 2021

Unretouched Photo Taken...

...within walking distance of my home.

This is what "woke" really means.

It means giving Republican mopes out here in the real world -- mopes for whom "news" means lining up every night to let Trucker Carlson take a shit in their skulls -- a simple, easy-to-spell monosyllable to shout and posterize to express their suffocating fear and hatred of everything outside of their Fox News bell jar.

A simple, stupid monosyllable that all the Savvy Coastal Media Persons could then immediately latch onto and beat like a rented mule:

David Brooks in The New York Times:  

This Is How Wokeness Ends

Bret Stephens in The New York Times:  

Why Wokeness Will Fail

Ross Douthat in The New York Times:

When Wokeness Becomes Weakness

Maureen Dowd in The New York Times:    

Wokeness Derails the Democrats

Mona Charen's Bulwark Podcast: 

Do Democrats Need “Woke Detox”?

The desiccated remains of James Carville on PBS:  

James Carville: Democratic Party Needs "Woke Detox Center" If We Want To Win Another Election

Charlie Sykes:  

The Woke Wars

Charlie Sykes again:  

Our Woke Book Burners

Andrew Sullivan

Emerging Cracks In The Woke Elite

Substack University of Advanced Phrenological Studies President Bari Weiss

We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage
Say no to the Woke Revolution

 And on, and on, and on, and on...

So if any Savvy Coastal Media Persons want to hear about what's actually going on here in the Middle of Middle America, I'll be down at the diner.

The other diner.

The non-Trump diner.

It's easy to spot.  It's the one with the parking lot that's not wall-to-wall New York Times and Washington Post Zeitgeist Action Vans full of  Savvy Coastal Media Persons eager to ask area Trump voters their opinions on COP26, their insights into what steps we should take to smooth out international supply chain problems in a period when half the world is still being crushed by COVID-19 and where we were already overdue for a massive wave of retirements in the transportation, distribution & logistics sectors, !!Socialism!!, the horrors of PreK CRT and how they know a guy whose cousin's friend swears that he knows a guy who lost his metal stamping job a Bunn manufacturing not because he showed up drunk again, but because of that god damn Cancel Culture and then he couldn't get unemployment because that's only for illegals!  

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Many people (republicans) are wrapped in hate so much they break into the captal building chanting "hang Mike Pence" and "shot Pelosi in the head".

But both sides are not the same.

I am not republican and I may vote Democratic. But I consider myself a humble citizen.

Where as above, I might consider organizing a massive Walk a dog 0thon across Mar A Lago's green greases and let the chalupa drop where it may.
No scoop or bag required. All natural...........

pagan in repose said...

" let Trucker Carlson take a shit in their skulls" and then skull fucks them to make sure the shit sticks, I would add.