Thursday, November 11, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #624

“What you yourself hate, don't do to your neighbor. This is the whole law; the rest is commentary. Go and study.” 
 -- Hillel the Elder

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1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

So does Ted Cruz realize that he's warming over Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign?
And those "protect the women from the dinosaurs" morons are still out there watching the Flintstones as if it was a documentary.
Yesterday, having read that the the Moderna booster conveys the highest level of protection of the three available boosters to folks like me who originally got the J&J shot, Briana and myself walked up to the pharmacy window at the grocery store, filled out the medical ID form, presented our vax cards, and fifteen minutes later had the Moderna booster in our arms.
Then we continued on with our shopping, with a coupon for 10% off of our grocery bill. That amounted to less than $10, but when you're as poor as we are, every ten bucks helps, and we have another one for next week.
This morning, my left arm had a sore spot on it, and I felt a little iffy, but my daily weight lifts and walk beat that shit back.
Briana, on the other hand, is napping.
We'll make it, and will have the highest degree of protection available, not just free, but with two 10% off coupons toward the +/- $100 we spend at Vons weekly.
The damn cat has been on a tear, and refusing to pee in his litterbox, I think mostly because Briana has been gone to Humboldt County for a couple of weeks. Or something. Hard to discern what goes on in those furry little heads sometimes.

-Doug in Sugar Pine