Friday, September 10, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #615

“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” 
 -- Lamont Cranston

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Robt said...

How 9/11 had to be documented as a highly confusing media Tabloid.

From Bat Boy telling us God is punishing us from our homosocial allowance to marry. Or was that pat Robertson or the right wing church that went around protesting military funerals.

Was it an inside job? An Islamic strategic plan drawn up on the back of a camel to specifically catch GW Bush reading , :My Pet Goat" with his pants down.

There is that contention that president Bill Clinton set up Bush. But were was the Holy grail of republican personal responsibility?
It is elusive just like 20 years of Afghanistan is Biden's fault. Or so our defense contractors paid the belt way press to "report".
I just know, When republicans stand with Trump over , "military are suckers and Losers". Just think how they perceive American civilians without all their patriotism they publicly act out for the tro0ps.

dinthebeast said...

Our cat had worms, and we had to give him a pill. No trickery would work, he did not want to be forced to swallow anything. Finally, Briana took some Nulo wet cat treats and squeezed it into his bowl on top of the pill to see if that would work. He carefully licked all of the goo off of the pill, looked at us with a puzzled look on his face, shrugged his shoulders (swear to god he did) and licked the pill up and swallowed it.
If only Republicans could demonstrate that degree of intelligence, perhaps we could be done with the goddamn plague.
We have pretty much all Republican representation here, and while the state senator and assemblyman are only mildly annoying, Tom the fuck McClintock is a real piece of work.
The good news about that is that he has an honest to god Democratic challenger this time named Dr. Kermit Jones, who Briana has said she wanted to try to work for, which made me glad to see her that engaged with politics.
So today is the 20th anniversary of 9-11. I still remember the BART ride to work that morning, when there was apparently some concern about SF city hall and so the train didn't stop at Civic Center and instead blew through the station at 70 MPH. I still remember the look on the vendor's face when I put my two quarters down and picked up a San Francisco Chronicle, like "Why?" I didn't know what had happened yet, and only found out by listening to other passengers on the train and observing the over the top precautions the train operators were taking. And the eerily planeless skies over the East Bay for the next few days.
I see that George the fuck W Bush has made some speech or some such horse shit, and as curious as the headlines about it have made me, I don't think I can be made to care what his take on 9-11 is at gunpoint. I still remember the goddamn PDB he blew off the month before.
It is heartening to see Biden running out of fucks to give about whether or not the goddamn Republicans approve of him using his presidential power. It's not our fault that Fergus was too lame to effectively do so. That's one of the reasons we elected Biden in the first place: he knows, at long last, how that machine works, and has a half century's worth of experience trying to make it turn out things that help people. I had concerns with his likely response to the inevitable Republican sabotage, but it sort of seems as if he remembers the concessions his former boss made, and their disastrous results, and maybe that's a good thing.
Thank you again for the podcast. The thunderstorms that passed through these hills night before last seem to have dampened things a little without lighting any new fires of note, and that sort of feels like dodging a bullet.

-Doug in Sugar Pine