Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Over At The Never Trump Circle Jerk, It's All Bad Biden All The Time

If you were looking to spend your last, lazy days of summer laying back and soaking in the venom of inconsolably furious Conservatives trashing Biden for taking away their Afghanistan emotional support binkie...but you can't stand the thought of watching even one minute of Fox News, well you can stop worrying citizen!

Because your Best Friends and Trusted Allies over at The Bulwark are now fully back in 2011 Weekly Standard mode and are laying out an all-you-can-eat feast of OMG Biden Is The Fucking Worst hot-takes to delight your eyes and ears.

Here just a sample platter...

Plus, at no additional charge to you the customer, Charlie Sykes will throw in an explanation of how so very much smarter he is at politics than Nancy Pelosi and how the Biden agenda is doooomed unless Democrats immediately stop listening to, y'know, Democrats and start taking their marching orders from the likes of Charlie Sykes.

An absolute font of third-rate hackery from the second-rate minds of Conservatism's Intellectual Elite.

It really is like The Weekly Standard never died.  

Burn The Lifeboats


XtopherSD said...

Someone is ON FIRE today! Nice batch of posts...

John said...

Why oh why do I hate Tim Miller so much? I'm supposed to be a Christian, Goddamnit!

I guess it's because he tries to be a hipster when he's just another shill for our oligarchic overlords. That combination always annoys me. Nick Gillespie's leather jacket can put me into conniptions.

Oh,and Miller, who's gay, works for Republicans! How warped is that? I'm a gay man of a certain age, and I remember a few decades ago when Republicans wanted us all dead, dead, dead of the gay plague. And they still aren't our friends. That goes for Andrew Sullivan, too, who seems at this point like a character from a Molière comedy to me.

Robt said...

Yeah, the silence when the smartest greatest republican told the world in Helsinki that he trusts Putin and Putin's intelligence agencies over his own American intelligence community.
Not even crickets.

That milter are , "suckers and Losers".
Not a meadowlark chirp.

making a deal that left our allies, the Kurds. To be massacred.

Didn't even flush the toilet because they did not want to make any sound to draw attention.