Friday, April 23, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #595 (Embed Code Corrected)

“If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.”
-- Mark Twain

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Unknown said...

Copy/Paste mistakes have been made.

duquesne_pdx said...

You posted last week's podcast!

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, Molly Ivins was right when she implored her readers to have fun while fighting for freedom, because as she said, we don't always win and it might end up being the only fun you have.
I really liked the response to Cotton's balanced working class state bullshit: "I wasn't aware that the word white had that many syllables."
Wow, it just seems like more and more things are showing themselves to be unsuitable for being privately run... It's almost like people can't be trusted to do public good without built-in accountability or some shit.
That will always labor under the mountain of cold war propaganda we boomers grew up marinating in, at least as long as there exists a political entity bent on the privatization of everything, everywhere, always.
No wonder they worship Putin, who by the way got his ass repeatedly kicked this week.
It's almost as if it really matters if the president of the United States makes a habit of sucking Putin's dick, because the minute that stopped things got kinda ugly for him.
Thank you again for the podcast.
John Boehner can fuck right off.
The cat caught a lizard, but didn't manage to get it inside before it scuttled away like a Republican running from the truth.
They are giving covid vaccinations away at the shopping center in Oakhurst, and I think we will both get the J&J shot at CVS on Friday.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Meremark said...

All the children are above average, the men are astrologer wise, and the women allow whatever gets you through the day.

�� ��

Fritz Strand said...

Too bad about Taibbi. Once again shows you should never trust a cynic.