Monday, March 08, 2021

Ronald E. Lee

To become enshrined in history, a monstrous cause needs a genial face and an army to True Believers working tirelessly to radically whitewash the past.

Burn The Lifeboats


dave said...

i find it unpleasant the middle and left give brooks any credibility.

he is like pennywise in 'IT'...a monster dressed up as a fun and non-threatening gentleman. i much prefer an obvious monster than one driving the ice cream truck of bi-partisanship and comity.

Mr XD said...

Oh I wish I was in the land of Rotten,
Old times there are NOT Forgotten,
Look away, Look Awaaayy,
Look away - ReaganLand ~~~

Robt said...

If I may offer a constructive criticism.

If he only had orange hair. In the black and white photo.

You know, to bring the past, present and future into one airline Barf Bag.

Fritz Strand said...

Not too much of a stretch to suggest Reagan destroyed Detroit to kill unionization in this country in order to defund the Democratic party. City after industrial city died during his administration and along with them their unions.

Robt said...

I know a many republicans that would be accusing you of cancel culture for recalling the unbuffed and un polished Regan history.
They would want to know why you want to tear down the Reagan Library along with Confederate Statues?
As history recalls, no GOP had a snow flake of a concern when they tore down the statue of Saddam after that war.

bt1138 said...

That sounds an awful lot like needing to burn down the village to save the village.

Very on brand for the party of life. And the death penalty and also personal assault weapons as needed.