Sunday, March 07, 2021

Checking In On My Cancel List Five

So far... good.

Yes, as a matter of fact I did borrowed the concept from Kill Bill.

Nice of you to notice.

Burn The Lifeboats


Meremark said...

Why stop at 5 ?

I mean...a target-rich reactionary rightwing racist ecology awaits.

Robt said...

Ted Cruz called in with his classification of Brooks, calling him a a Squish.

And adds, Brooks you leave my wife Heidi out of this.

David Fetter said...

Who said anything about stopping? Anybody who's checked stuff off a shopping list is keenly aware of the fact that there will be another list.

bt1138 said...

It's good, but I'm going to suggest that Hugh H outranks Mark H and should have gotten a higher priority.

But that's just me. I've been watching that guy ever since he had a little Crossfire-Style TV gig on PBS called "Life & Times" in LA back in the 90's, after he got removed from the Nixon Library. Needless to say, Hugh was the thoughtful young conservative at the time.

And in my Googling, I see (I didn't know) that Hugh has recently returned (like a Cyborg) to an "affiliation" with the Nixon Library as the head of some sort of wingnut welfare Nixon foundation to save America. Again. Help.