“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
-- Sun Tzu
Ep 588: The War Against Stupid Continues
Republicans want to fight about Dr. Seuss, while Democrats fight (among themselves? really?) about a $15 minimum wage. Never Trumpers, meanwhile, are obsessed with their ancestors and forget once again all about the Obama Administration. Blue Gal shares a book she's reading, and Driftglass wonders about writing one. (It's kind of like Gulag Archipelago, but instead of being condemned to a Russian prison camp, he's just off Twitter. One Tweet in the Life of Ivan Denisovich?) More at http://ProLeftPod.com!
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politics, progressive, #GOP, media, Joe Biden, COVID relief bill, #FightFor15, Democratic Congress, Black Lives Matter, Covid relief, Democratic Cong
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Any politician who was genuinely worried about a primary or even marginally worried about their reelection would shout from the rooftops that they support minimum wage increases.
You run on it. You get elected because of it. You pass it.
You pay at the ballot box next time...
Dear Mr. G: I saw the following on another website. You might be interested given your recent troubles with the twits.
David Sheen
Israeli journalist: The International Criminal Court investigating Israel for war crimes amounts to “legal terrorism”; therefore Israel’s secret spy agency should spend the next 20 years assassinating the ICC prosecutor and judges – in an “elegant” manner, without leaving traces
(Then there was something in I guess Israeli that the above translated)
I appreciate your idea on the min wage..
it is only Loie Gohmert's district will reelect him even if he has sex with a 5 year old boy in broad daylight on 5th Avenue.
Sen. Graham can be reelected even when he raises taxes on his working class to to repay the $2 trillion he borrowed to redistribute to the very wealthy donors of his, (even Tax cuts for George Soros).
How did Lindsey put it when asked, " Our wealthy GOP donor class told us if we do not pass the tax cuts for them, we are not to call them for any moe donations for oue campaigns".
He used tax cuts to give to the wealthy so they can donate to their reelections and working people get to repay theat borrowed money tha was paid out.
I mean talk about burdening our grand children with our debt?
And how did voters hold Lindsey accountable?
Georgia voters held their two corrupt senators accountable and GOP lost control of senate. But Graham and Louie are still paid $175 k per year with full health care coverage they still want to deny everyone that pays for theirs. No matter if they can afford health care for themselves. They will pay for Lindsey and Louie.
Hey Robt,
Thanks. I love good faith engagement! If your point is that Republicans have despicable politics and can be counted on to do the wrong thing then I agree with that. If your point is that Graham's electorate refuses to hold him accountable for his voting record then I agree again. (I'm not sure if you agree with this) but I have a belief that for the most part Republicans explicitly state their regressive ideas and bad policies and get elected because of them. As Driftglass might say, Republicans get elected because they appeal to the "Tribe that Rubs Shit in its Hair"...
Democrats don't do this. Some claim to be woke. Others claim to be progressive or support the working class. In fact, many Democrats have publicly supported raising the minimum wage including Biden, AOC, Harris (it's bizarrely difficult to find her vocally supporting an increase), Sinema as a private citizen (NOT as a Senator), Shahen and countless others. So Democrats say they support the policy we both want!
The way to get the increase in my opinion is not to waste effort pressuring Republicans who are ideologically opposed to it but to instead focus energy on pressuring those who have publicly stated that they support it. Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House. The president and vice president ran on increasing the minimum wage. Honouring that commitment would help millions of people and help ensure Democratic victories into the future. A politician like LBJ could easily get a minimum wage through in the current environment. I believe Biden could too. From where I'm sitting it appears he is not interested in doing so.
Shaming Democrats for their shittyness is just as important as highlighting the shittyness of the Republicans. It must certainly be easier to pressure those who we agree with ideologically and have the same stated as positions as we do than it is to get those who disagree with you ideologically to change their policy positions.
A coalition of Neanderthals has lodged a formal complaint against president Biden for having compared their thinking to that of Republican Governors.
"There is obviously some biological activity occurring between the ears of Republican governors" read the complaint, "but we have seen no evidence of it having ever risen to the level of thought."
So they did it. The senate has passed the covid relief bill. And they were ruthless about it, taking advantage of the absence of a Republican senator who couldn't be there because of a family emergency. I'm so proud of them I could almost cry.
But what I can really do is pay Briana's ticket, get new rotors and pads for the grinding brakes on her car, and perhaps buy some new pants.
Oh, and hit the tip jar here again.
Give a liberal a cookie and all of his friends usually get a bite.
Mitch McConnell can fuck right off, and no, he doesn't get to take democracy with him when he goes. His retirement pleases me to a most likely unhealthy degree.
And CPAC? Please. To quote the dearly departed Frank Zappa: "That's going on two tours old. We have to come up with some new shit."
But they never will.
And they just got their Harold Camping moment. Will Fergus' failure to ascend to the presidency dampen their beliefs even a little?
Maybe for some it might, but the rest stand as hideous examples of the danger of using propaganda, lies, and insanity to harvest votes and dollars.
Thank you again for the podcast. The mouse that the cat brought in last week is still hanging around, giving the cat something to stalk in the middle of the night, which now that I think of it, makes it more actually useful than David Fucking Brooks, the never Trumpers, or the evil Republicans themselves...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
It seems we have many agreements as GOP Graham is not held accountable by his voters. Even when he votes against the majority of GOP voter wishes.
He plays this, big government knows what is best for you because he flops over to FOX and decries how Big Govrnment is bad for you.
Same thing occurs when they borrowed $2 trillion for their tax cuts to billionaires. Noone in the GOP asked Graham why did he give George Soros a big ass tax cut and make working class pay the loan back?
I do not know if marketing a $15 minimum wage as a tax cut somehow is a benefit.
It needs to be put on display to republicans
"Why is it fiscally conservative to make health care unaffordable for people that already cannot afford health insurance. But those same low income folks must pay taxes, that pays them $175 l per year with full health care for them and their families, with pension even travel reimbursement to and for to their jobs."
There are so many more taxes than just federal that poor have to pay that swallows their minute income.
Can the Minimum wage increase be slipped into the must pass Defense Bill?
It is really not the Fibster that is the problem. It is the GOP abuse of it that is the problem.
Reforming the filibuster is a better , more possible goal than wiping it out.
And yes that is in the way of any progress.
Right now I place the HR ! voter bill from the house above the minimum wage increase. If lower income or anyone can have hoops placed in front of them to cast their ballot. They are worse off because that voting voice can be the exact thing to resolve passing legislation and election politicians that understand, The preamble of the constitution , "We the People" supersedes any damn SCOTUS decision "claiming" Corporations are people. Because if Corps. are people. Corporations call people/ labor Human resources and I do not see t in the Preamble or elsewhere in the constitution that people are just resources.
At least after the Civil War.
It is dark money that funds a lot of this which is designed to deny the people.
Many republican voters know much of this although they will always blame the Left because like a sports fan they are loyal no matter. It is why they voted for Trump as a POPULIST who spoke lies of populism. They did not want another Bush after GW.
Hell, they put their heads in ostrich hole in shame over him. Did care for the Romulus, nor the Lying flying Ted. All the GOP candidates ran on Conservatism except Trump . So their is an awareness in the GOP voters. They for the most are in Stockholm syndrome.
for instance, GOP voters are made to feel like the won on all of McConnell judges confirmed. No one, not one media person asked,
"Why do you need to push through and confirm all these judges to life time appointments when as a republican you believe in small government?
If you deregulate everything, there is less law and less court cases. Meaning less judges (not more). are needed. So how many GOP you know are all proud at big government with all those judges they will have to pay taxes for?
Forgive me for wandering off a bit.
An ancient folk lore Legend of an Oman that is not found in Revelations of the Bible.
First comes the Canceled Culture of Dr. Seuss, potato head and Tang. As a great republican leader reads from the Dr. Seuss book that is not cancelled.
The 2nd omen will be the Zombie Apocalypses. Republicans become infected with an insatiable craving to eat brains to make up for their lack of.
The four Horsemen at the CDC develop a Zombie vaccine in the shape of a spear that is injected into the skull of the Zombie to stop the pandemic.
Finality. End of Times engulfs the right wing world into oblivion.
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