Sunday, February 07, 2021

Sunday Morning Comin' Down: Special Edition

MSNBC prime time host Chris Hayes finally catches up with what I've been writing on my little blog for going on 16 years now.

So I've got that going for me.

Which is nice.

Because all of us disreputable Libtards have known all along that The Gingrich Rules are real and that the primary function of the Beltway media has always been the ongoing reputational rehabilitation of Conservative frauds, lunatics and con men who should long ago have been driven out of polite society on a rail.  

Of course what would be really nice is if somehow, someday, Mr. Hayes were to find himself in possession of, say, a very large media platform where, instead of griping impotently about it on Twitter, he could put this despicable practice on Front Street by using that very large media platform to repeatedly name and shame the media executives and teevee hosts --

-- who have been enacting this grotesque ritual on the public airwaves --

-- week after week, for decades.  

But of course the odds of that are so slender that they might as well be invisible.  

No Half Measures


pagan in repose said...

I just noticed old Tod and Ron have the same dead eyed look. Nobody home, the phone is off the hook, one oar has fallen into the water, the old gray mare is just like it used to be, a day late and a dollar short, and on and on.

Hal Rager said...

If only Mr. Hayes could, well, do anything...