Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Stuart Stevens Continues To Disappoint

I had such, well, not "high" hopes exactly, but "slightly elevated" hopes for Mr. "It Was All A Lie".  Of all the Never Trumpers who have been gifted millions of dollars in free promotion by the mainstream press for calling Trump a shithead, Steven came the closest to telling the blunt, ugly truth about his Republican Party's decades-long, depraved joyride that led them to the dark and terrible place they are now.

But now Mr. Stevens -- who I choose to believe damn well knows better -- would have you believe that the entire political universe must reduced to a simple, stupid binary.  According to Mr. Stevens, in the long, twilight struggle of Good versus Evil, of  Democracy versus Tyranny, there are two and only two alternatives:  Donald Trump or The Lincoln Project.  


Now where have I heard this exact kind weaselly prevarication from a Republican before?

Oh yeah.  I remember now:

How'd that work out?

Once again the same old lesson.  Never pin any hopes, no matter how slight those hopes may be, on any Republican ever really reforming.  Once in a blue moon one may be blown off their high horse on the way to Damascus and genuinely see the error of their ways, but those rare cases are the Element 118 of politics.  From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

Oganesson (Og), a transuranium element that occupies position 118 in the periodic table and is one of the noble gases. Oganesson is a synthetic element, and in 1999 scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, announced the production of atoms of oganesson as a result of the bombardment of lead-208 with atoms of krypton-86. However, in 2002 this result was retracted after it was discovered that some of the data had been falsified. In 2006 scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna, Russia, announced that oganesson had been made in 2002 and 2005 in a cyclotron by the nuclear reaction of calcium-48 at an energy of 245 million electron volts (MeV) with a californium-249 target, with three neutrons and one atom of oganesson as the reaction products. Nearly a millisecond after creation, the oganesson nucleus decays into another transuranium element, livermorium, by emitting an alpha particle (helium nucleus). No physical or chemical properties of oganesson can be directly determined, since only a few atoms of oganesson have been produced...

Burn The Lifeboats


Meremark said...

A unrisky no-fun conservative is a conservative because their brain is born or built containing inordinate neural density at the fear-of-death nucleus in human brain.

A lemming Republican is a Republican because having the brain deathblock of conservative plus an inferiority guilt complex.

Rightwing brains (misbehaving) can never be changed until there's a treatment that diffuses fear-of-death density and risk aversion. For that effect, natural psychedelics are leading candidates.


In this you have the title and authors of a most quake-size politics shakeup in research of the last 20 years.

Now take that title into your search engine and note it leads you just about no place. The article is out there, oh yes. As a PDF. And
a hundred other obstructions to stop wide circulation because conservatives and Republicans felt offended with scientific finding that measured badness in their brain tissue.

As opposed to, and measured less, in progressing brains.

Jason said...

I think you need to give a bit of slack to Stevens here. If you've been an integral part of team evil for the majority of your adult life, you probably haven't been privy to the magnitude of politically informed folk on the left who've been calling it correctly the past 40+ years. I hope Stevens gets a bit more of a shock not just how monumentally wrong he's been but how clearly people on the left saw through his horse shit.

Betsy said...

Liberals don't really exist in their world.

Anonymous said...

This thread defending LP should interest you. https://twitter.com/Ryan_N_Wiggins/status/1362049003354025989?s=20