Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Would Never Need To Do Another Fundraiser...

...if I could figure a way to collect $5 every time a Never Trumper with a national media platform casually drops the "last four, five years" time horizon as the point at which the GOP lost its mind.  

Like "Both sides do it", once you start listening for "four to five years", you'll hear it everywhere. because it is an integral part of the Big Lie you'll hear from virtually every Never Trumper, that their Republican Party was a normal, healthy, noble enterprise... until the moment they were driven out of it when Donald Trump magically turned the entire Republican Party base into a shitpile of bigots and imbeciles overnight. 

Of course, Trump didn't hijack or burgle or in any other way purloin the GOP from its rightful owners, because junkies have no brand loyalty.  Junkies just want they best shit they can find at whatever price they can afford.  And that is exactly what Trump offered them: he lured the meathead mob away from the GOP elite by giving them higher, purer and more eyeball-kicking hits of the same rage & racism narcotic they had been getting in stingy doses from the party leaders all along. 

But the Big Lie that Donald Trump "hijacked" the GOP in some inexplicable, supernatural way makes it possible for Never Trumpers to avoid any uncomfortable questions about their own culpability in turning their Republican Party into a whelping box capable of birthing monsters.  

And the even more excruciating acknowledgement that the Left has been right about the Right all along.

And we can't have that, now can we?

Burn The Lifeboats

1 comment:

Robt said...

A insignificant issue this Peon/ surf has with this.

It is with all the corruption republicans have been normalizing and encouraging for as long as I can remember.
It as all "Frivolous lawsuits" All!
It is corporations/ businesses that use the court system more than anything else.
When they cut taxes for corporate/wealthy (one in the same) some corporations no longer pay federal taxes but still use the courts.
They do not have to pay for those courts.
The small Government republicans rammed through so many right wing judges for life time appointments corporation's no longer have to pay for. With all the GOP deregulations it is logical that less judges would be needed because less regulations and law to judge or sue over.

Small Gov. GOP fills many judge seats fit for a big government.

Just know, American citizens that had to put up with this corruption, deceit, lying and defaming cannot sue Mr. My Pillow guy. But a corporation can.

So 5 right wing Citizen United Justices made law that in fact, corporations are people. And now, People are a labor resource or cardboard packaging material.

Can't write off your home mortgage interests? Can't write off home improvements?

Well Corporations can. You see, even in the GOP tax code laws, citizens are not people.