Friday, January 08, 2021

David Brooks: Don't Worry, I Think The Worst Of It Is Over!

It would not be fair to say that David Brooks wrote a treacly, off-brand Hallmark-card "Get Well Soon" column this week about how the worst may be over and the fever may be breaking.  


You know, exactly the same sort of "The GOP is turning the corner!" claptrap that he as written literally dozens of times over the decades, and about which he has been 100% wrong each and every time.  But which, for some reason, the Sulzberger family seems content to continue paying him to crank out.  And which a depressing number of myopic CEOs and college presidents, ivory-tower-bound pastors and various cloistered coastal elites continue to gobble up as the Received Wisdom of the age.  

Anyway, it would not be fair to say that because the maundering blob of prose he actually wrote is so very much less than that.

Instead, Mr. Brooks wrote a treacly, off-brand Hallmark-card "Get Well Soon" Tweet implying that he had written such a column.
What his actual column was've got me there.  Half of it was recounting a field trip he made to the capitol when he was 14.  Ooooh!  The Statues!  The Marble!  

And then a little homily about how dark and terrible things lurk in the human soul.  

And then:

Leadership matters. Character matters.

And finally:

We look to you, our 535 representatives, to simply do the people’s business, to cut deals so people can stock their pantries and school their kids, and so that a 14-year-old, or a 59-year-old, can enter your building with eyes of wonder, awe and devotion.

So what was this saccharine glop actually about?

As a professional writer and editor, all I can say for sure is that it was about 800 words long.

Which is all you really need to know about where the vanguard of Serious Conservatism stands these days.

No Half Measures


rapier said...

Dave has always been a member of the resistance.

Robt said...

DFB needs to get up to Patty Robertson speed. The apocalypses is here.

For the True republican religious believer. The four Horsemen are riding . The Grim Reaper is banished to the minority. The second son of God (Jesus' untold brother.) Donald Trump.

The Doors are playing , "The End". Armageddon blesses the true republican religious with a trip to the pearly Gates. Where St. Peter has a few questions.

No, It may not be a sure thing that they enter through the pearly gates.
The extinction level they desired and proselyted is now their proverbial fork in the road.

dave said...

to understand brooks is to understand his other god (no not mcconnell, the other god..) edmund burke. burkes job was making the rich guys feel better. the concept of compassionate conservatism had not yet been coined but the underpinnings were..

the ny times is where rich people go to get informed...they don't consider anything like a reminder of how shitty things get when rich people are absolved of guilt things get.

brooks is the cooler...'ain't cher fault rich folks...', that's the job

Robt said...

Like Trump tossing out a roll of paper towels to the Hurricane stricken survivors?

making the elites feel good about that trickling down stuff.

Bubba_Deets said...

This moment has been 50 years in the making. The American ruling elites have brought America to this low point. Thankfully, Enlightenment thinkers have provided a signpost for this exact kind of generational political failure.
"Prudence... will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-
...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Anonymous said...

Pity the poor elite press pony, whose one trick is to turn the usual justifications for selfishness and indifference into a golden calf pleasing to Moloch by coating his bull's shit with a lustrous sheen of pseudo-moderate both-siderism yet finds, in the cold light of this January day, it's hard to pull that schtick out of your ass without everyone seeing that the Emperor's pony has no balls at all.

bt1138 said...

Unfortunately, Josh Hawley, one of the young, new and exciting Conservatives who was going to re-invigorate the Conservative movement with fresh new ideas and who would, at this moment of choosing, take Conservatism back to it's true core of unalterable humanistic values, has had an very unfortunate day or two. Which is a pity, Josh was young and smart and had a real bright future all planned out ahead of him.

So, we're going to need to spend a few days in the lab, building up a new one to save America again.

Stay tuned, because our next fresh new Conservative(s) will be even better than the last one(s) - We're going to incorporate all the lessons learned from the last few weeks into the new build.

In fact, I think that the next few years will be some of the best years ever for Conservatives, I really do. With a little re-conditioning and some luck, we might even get Josh back out of the lab and back in front of the cameras.

Larcana said...

As usual, we on the Democratic side have been broadcasting this for years...but both sides...blah x 3.

joejim said...

Funny, Brooks, he of great prescience, is the one who saw the innocence in the eyes of the Covington MAGA kid who stared down the Native drummer on the Mall, almost 2 years ago. When the rest of us were deluded by our eyes, David had the unique ability to figure it out for us, saw that it was not the hatred, contempt of a white boy towards a Native senior, it was social media, cancelling, and a kid who was so regular and corn pone, that he later went on to humbly monetize his notoriety by suing CNN for $275 million, and showing up at conservative conventions, looking for celebrity.

Brooks was right, of course, nobody could have seen this coming, by looking at that effing MAGA kid, backed by his gang of red capped bully schoolmates, bullying and frightening an innocent old man, just because he knew he could, and that people would defend him.