Monday, December 21, 2020

Today In "Republicans Walking Away From Explosions": Rick Wilson

Alert reader Jay sent along this illuminating exchange between DW News journalist Ines Phol and life-long-Republican-mercenary-turned-Lincoln-Project-mercenary, Rick Wilson. 

When asked...

Ines: What should the GOP do with all these Trump supporters?  I mean 73 million voted for him.  Maybe not all Trump supporters but, you know, I mean what should... what should the... the GOP do?

Mr. Wilson answers:

Wilson:  Luckily it's not my problem anymore.  You know, good riddance...

Of course, those 73 million Republican bigots and imbeciles are the same people who gave Rick Wilson his career.  Who put a roof over his head, a boat in his dock, and a small private plane at a nearby airfield.   For decades Rick Wilson has done very well for himself whipping the wingnut mob into frenzies and stomping on everything we Liberals care about.  And that run ended  only once that reliably stupid, angry wingnut mob finally did exactly what we crackpot Liberals have been warning for decades that they would eventually do: overflow the banks of carefully excavated electoral channels and irrigation ditched into which they were diverted each election cycle so that Rick could get one Republican monster after another elected and instead flooded across the land until they found their natural level.

And what was the natural level of the Republican Party?  Donald Trump, a Republican monster who spoke the racist, deranged language of their hearts but spoke it loudly and proudly instead of skulking around the corners of acceptability, winking and nodding and speaking in code as if he were ashamed.

And once Rick found himself on the wrong side of the wager that he made in 2016 -- that Hillary Clinton would win and that he and his fellow Never Trumpers could return in glory to their defeated and demoralized Republican Party leading the "We Told You So" caucus and spend the next four years getting rich slagging a President Clinton -- he had no more use for the "credulous boomer rubes" on whose rage, racism and paranoia he had built a life for himself.   

Which begs the question, if cleaning up the toxic mess that Rick Wilson created isn't Rick Wilson's job, then whose job is it?

But that's not the question the interview asked, and not a question Rick Wilson is keen to answer.  Instead, Wilson stuck to the new party line.  Of course there should be accountability and of course that means peering into the mists of history...but only as far back as 2015.   Because Trump is the problem and  2015 in the year that problem began.  

Wilson...they have to have a painful reconciliation with what they have done.  There has to be a look back at the way they have corrupted the party on Trump's behalf and until they do that I don't think there's a real solution going forward because he has been such a transformative figure. The Republican base vote ...  the Republican ... the ordinary Republican voters, there's only one thing they hate more than a Democrat and that's a Republican who hates Donald Trump. And so they're going to be driving the party further and further into the Trumpest space which is authoritarian, which is nationalist, which is highly regimented around the obedience to the Dear Leader...
It's all Trump.  Trump and what those terrible Republicans waaaay over there have done since Trump was elected.

Wilson:  And I'm afraid that Trump has conditioned a generation of Republicans to believe that if they don't get their way that they don't need to work within the constitution of the United States...

Now that the memory-holing of all Republican history prior to 2015 is nearly complete, I figured someone should should say a few words over the grave.

"Only the vanquished remember history." -- Marshall McLuhan

No Half Measures


namekarB said...

History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there.

George Santayana

Now Am Found! said...

it began with reagan. the white supremacy became more overt. the bias toward corporations and the wealthy. the lying to congress, the blatant contempt

namekarB said...

We must go back further that. One example is Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1950. See also Senator Barry Goldwater 1954-1964

Robt said...

Being there with Nixon president, The way I saw history was Nikon showed Reagan how white supremacy could be useful. Along with spreading the paranoia of hate.

Through the years people like Gingrich, Rick Wilson applied their degrees in white supremacy, hate degrees from the GOP motivational college.
One thing the right wing base became enthralled with, Not huts Trump demeaned democrats. But during the GOP primary, Trump demeaned ever single republican and there were many in that primary. From little Marco to the liberal Jeb Bush.

For at least 30 years now, the torture of Russo's soft bigotry. Just soft enough to broadcast on public air waves. tearing down the walls of inciting riots on broadcasts over time. Calling it freedom of speech.
There is no freedom to incite killings of other American citizens because you alone are so pure of ideology can determine their fate.

rapier said...

̷H̷i̷t̷l̷e̷r̷ Trump had some good ideas but he just went too far.

Robt said...

Rick Wilson's radio broadcasts would display his responsibility to clean up on aisle QANON.
How he filled the cup's of his listeners with hate and used an angry frother to whip it good.
I heard a couple of Rick's final days on the radio. His listeners were still calling in. But they were calling in aiming their hatred and disgust at him.
It was time for rick to move on.
Like a lead foundry that spread lead all over the area of town and shut it's doors and got the hell out. Leaving tax payers through the EPA to come in and do all the toxic lead clean up like a superfund. The company (like Rick) never having to pay for their mess.

Robt said...

Trump did make America's shower head problem great again.

Now if only he can fix it so we are all not flushing the toilet 15 times each time we use it.
And fix it before 450 thousand Americans die and will never have a chance to see the single flush .

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

But even Goldwater was aware enough to realize handing control of the party over to the nutcases he was trying to court would lead to the end of the party. Because it ain't just the left who have been screaming about these programmable meatbags. But most Republicans who have spoken out against them have been erased from history. Really, Rick's just angry that it's his turn (to be erased by a Republican Party that has decided anyone who isn't 100% on board should be erased), and he's trying to fight it.