Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The All-Oxy Martyr Brigade

Reprogrammable Republican meatbags are dangerous and should not be left lying around:

No Half Measures


Cinesias said...

The Q Cucks Clan Wants You!

To die for Death Cult Leader.

Robt said...

"Willing to give his life for Trump"

Is he that one guilty feeling Jim Jones follower that survived because he did not drink enough Kool aid.
And now cannot live with his guilt of not being with the rest of dead end followers.

You know, Trump didn't put this much effort into any one or all 5 of his Vietnam war deferments and those Brain spurs sure do not seem to slow him down any.

Robt said...

GOP recruiting,

Join the GOP. It is not just a crime to commit, it is an adventure in mental illness.

Unknown said...

WOW. The stupid, it burns.

Robt said...

To slow their movement down a little.

Ask them,
How is it the republican party house leader (Minority leader) is a California liberal radical RINO suit who will make America just like the republican areas in California.
Who embraces the FOX and like other liberals ,disdains the OAN and Newsmax.