Friday, November 13, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #572

“Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.”
-- Abraham Lincoln

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dinthebeast said...

What is happening with covid right now in this country should be cause for no goddamn Republican to ever get elected to any office in this country again, but it won't be.
And that's really all you need to know about communicating with Republicans. They can't even be trusted to not kill themselves and everyone around them, so how is one to hold a polite conversation with them without screaming "Stop fucking killing people you pine cone!"
On that note, my doctor had me do my appointment over Briana's phone, as mine still isn't working yet, and the next appointment in February will be over the phone also, so I don't have to drive an hour down into the valley of seething covid to get my prescriptions renewed. I have some other issues I'd like to talk to him about, but I guess they can wait until spring,
So even if we win both runoffs in Georgia, Joe the fuck Manchin has said he will bugger any and all policy goals that aren't Republican approved. Kinda reminds me of that other turncoat Democrat Joe that watered down the ACA when we needed support instead.
Only this time there are no votes to spare.
And the media is piling on and saying that Manchin has the right approach, when what he has is a fucking retreat, not an approach.
The prospect of waiting for 2022, a midterm when we traditionally lose seats, to gain control of the senate is maddening. What is happening right now, much less what will happen this winter requires action, and we won't get any out of the goddamn Republicans.
So I'm kinda thanking my lucky stars that we moved up onto this mountainside in December, right before the apocalypse hit, but god damn it, I have friends and family down in the valley of seething covid.
Thank you again for the podcast. It snowed a little again yesterday, so the Creek fire is almost out, but not quite. The air is much more clear, and the new tires got the car through the snow bank and up onto the road yesterday, so perhaps with a little shoveling we will make it through the winter.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

You that , "all we need is a republican president with five working fingers that can sign republics legislation" thingy?

Now that they have what they want. Why don't they take it to the next level and do the same with a GOP senate leader?

There is a big theme that has long time come to fruition.

Republican Victimhood.

How many times have we heard Trump tell the nation (his GOP) that, "here are some bad things and someone should do something about it".????

The poor TEA party with all their Koch billionaire right wing funding just can't be heard and are not taken seriously when they make claims (without proof) that Obama is not a natural born citizen and must be removed as president.
Even the right wing billionaire funded QANON grabbing way to much media time. Media time they could report on our soldiers in Afghanistan, talking to the unemployed instead of the reality show figure of the forgotten and re forgotten Coal Miner.

What about the disgruntled Trump voter who tells you (he believes) the election is rigged and how he is so oppressed as a rabid QANON member that spits on the rights of anyone that doesn't embrace QANON /republicans.
Where are the reports of all the specific republican office holders that absolutely do not even recognize they are other people in their District (house Reps) or in their states (Senators) as Trump only ridicule's anyone that is not for him but are representatives of everyone?
McConnell tells us, As far as it comes to the Democratic majority house passing legislation. He as Senate majority leader is the GRIM Reaper.
A House that represents everyone and senate that does not and a president who does not.
But the forgotten Coal Miner wanes to the loud well funded rearing cries of QANON. Which is just the republican party using different letters.

This republican victimhood has to be confronted.....

Robt said...

My freind the ebd.

Trump with his Birther campaign. Once elected chose to say, he is dropping all that bullshit
and "just letting it go". As all his birther racists desperately seeking something to hate and be a victimized revengeful angry Hombre about. Waited for the Chosen white hope one to assign them direction anew.
Like this moment in his denial of losing the election. He will in the end embrace reality and vacate as far as reality will force it.
And then like the acceptance of leaving the birther lie. He requires a marketing slogan that it is he who is leaving us ungrateful. We do not deserve him for another 4 years.

And he would be absolutely correct, I do not deserve him for another 4 years. I deserve better.