Monday, November 02, 2020

On This Week's Exciting Episode of Republicans Who Swear They Never Had Any Idea...

...that their Republican Party was full of Republicans all along, Benjamin Ginsberg in the Washington Post:

My party is destroying itself on the altar of Trump

...My party is destroying itself on the Altar of Trump. Republican elected officials, party leaders and voters must recognize how harmful this is to the party’s long-term prospects.

No, Benjamin, like most Republicans who are racing for the lifeboats, you have it exactly backwards.  You and the rest of your Republicans spent the past 40 years building a monster factory designed to cultivate the rage and paranoia of bigots and imbeciles and then harvest them for their votes and their money.  

And one day Donald Trump rolled off of the assembly line.  

Honestly it is so weird to be living in a timeline where Republican careerists who are now claiming to be so staggeringly incompetent that they never had the slightest fucking clue what was going on inside their Republican Party somehow qualifies them to be given op-ed columns in major American newspapers.

No Half Measures


bt1138 said...

Gentlemen, there will be no fighting in the war room.

Some Guy said...

The problem for these types is that their only honorable alternative is suicide.

Lit3Bolt said...

"As I tore the shrieking child from her mother's arms, and put the wailing, screaming child in the ashy oven of Moloch's Unholy Mouth, a stray thought flickered through my mind. Igniting the furnace to ritualistically burn the child alive for our Unholy Demon God, bowing down with my fellow cultists before the foul bovine, ram horned visage, I wondered...Are we the bad guys?"

Robt said...


They will get a medical note from their doctor defining their severe "Brain Spurs" medical handicap . to get their GOP suicide deferment. As the GOP coffee boys will have to do their patriotic duty and take the place of those afflicted with Brain Spurs.
It is why they prioritized brain washing with trigger words the non-affluent GOP base. They cannot afford a doctor's note to get a deferment.