Monday, November 02, 2020

Breaking: Trump Surges Ahead...

... in the Central Standard Time Zone, in towns with fewer than 58K people, among right-handed AutoZone stock clerks who have one year or less of community college but had to drop out because he got his girlfriend pregnant even though she said she was on the pill and she wouldn't get an abortion and he woulda dumped her but her dad is a big deal who owns four AutoZone franchises in the tri-county area and more-or-less forced him to marry her, and gave him a shit-job at one of his stores, and now he hates his life and just wants the whole country to go up in flames so maybe he can get away in the confusion

Jesus, people, stop reading the polls and focus on getting everyone you know to vote.  

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

I hear Trump signed a movie contract to star as Carlos Danger in the remake of the Comey movie original, Carlos Danger 0 sit on my emails on the laptop.

The Northern Gamer said...

He's also ahead 6:3 in the black robed poll

AAL said...

Trump hasn't seen that much cash on hand since Daddy died.