Tuesday, October 20, 2020

When The Fails of November Came Early


 Get ready, because it's going to get worse.


bt1138 said...

At seven p.m., a main hatchway caved in, he said
Fellas, it's been good to know ya.

ChiefD said...

When you're headed down the shitter, it's easy to think that it looks like you're "rounding the corner".

Lit3Bolt said...

Get ready for entire families to die over Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Biden's first act needs to be the Defense Production Act Executive Order...if it's not struck down by the Opus Dei SCOTUS.

Kwark said...

'Course I guess the way I felt in 2016 about the likelihood of Hilary winning could be described in the same fashion. Hoping the outcome is different this time around.

Robt said...

The levels of worse;

Trump wins another term with GOP majority senate.

Trump wins another term losses Senate to Democrats.

Biden wins Trump has until Jan 20 to run amok as GOP senate goes with the Trump flow.

Biden wins and stuck with GOP majority in Senate.

Biden wins with both houses in Democratic majority with the obstruction GOP on the loose.
And faces a extremes SCOTUS that believes only a GOP president and congress can legislate and govern.
Biden wins all House and Senate then provides GOP with all the old powers of GOP obstruction they desire like the old days and we have at least 4 years of lame transition while a SCOTUS legislates from the bench laws of religion we all must obey or be punish and the wealthy corporate continue their agenda with the courts to provide a labor force to the new plantation owners.

I just know, the call for clean up on aisle Government. Is going to be a huge hazmat ordeal.