Friday, October 09, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #567

 "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
--  Milan Kundera, writer

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dinthebeast said...

All you have to do to see the entrenched "tone police" as media policy is to listen to the passive voice language they use when attempting to cover (or not) the fact that the wheels really are coming off of the Fergus administration.

Like right out there in front of god and everyone, but is the "chaotic style" of the president really going to redound to the benefit of the Democrats?

So yes, the Republicans have to go, but so do the despicable reptiles running the corporate media.

When we went to Oakhurst for groceries yesterday, the cheerful, loud, Biden/Harris supporters were again occupying the sidewalks at the intersection of CA-41 and road 426, right smack dab in the middle of town. Masked up and socially distant and just as enthusiastic as you could imagine, and of all ages and genders, and god damn it that was good to witness. In all of these layers of gloom, fear and anxiety, just about forty or so happy, loud, banner-waving sane people and all of the positive reaction of the passers-by on the main road through a little town in the foothills next to Yosemite (Yo! Semites!) four ridges over from a still raging monster of a wildfire in a district Fergus carried by 16 points really recharged something in me that I hadn't been paying attention to the steady depletion of.

Our ballots are in the mail, and Ballot-trax has already sent me an email telling me that the Postal Service (Go! Postal! Unions!) has my ballots and that I will get another email when they get counted, and in plenty of time to rectify any problems that may arise over signature matching and stuff (my stroke was on the right side of my brain and I am left handed so my handwriting isn't what it once was, and the signature they match the one on my ballot envelope against is the one on my state ID card, which has my middle initial, whereas the name on my voter registration card does not. It worked in the primary, but having an email reminder is nice.)

Thank you again for the podcast. I'm fresh out of cats to send pictures of, and my friend Sara never came through with the cat pictures she promised me, but as she's living in Alabama, I'm not gonna give her too much shit for it, but really, no cat pictures from Sara? It's almost enough to want a wellness check done. We did see a small black bear crossing road 630 Wednesday, but I couldn't get my phone out before he was gone into the brush.
He was little and cute and Briana and I looked at each other and said "Black bears matter, man" in unison.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

VonWenk said...

At some point, the profanity ceases to be strategic (if it ever was) and and comes off as the speaker being crude for its own sake or out of some misguided attempt to show how much of an adult he is because he can curse. I feel similar about the comparisons in liberal blogs' comment sections of guns to their owners having small penises. People aren't obliged to accept whatever language you use if you're trying to persuade them, and if you're not trying to persuade them, what's the point of blogging other than self-indulgence?

Robt said...

Right wing tone police even when parroted out of the mouths of others is basically Sharia Law for hill bellies'.

You will be institutionalized into the religion and obey the laws of the religion. You will become more controllable to the chosen republican elite.

Jerry Falwell Jr. anyone?

Note; there are exceptions to the 10 commandments and other religious laws of the faith.

I discovered When in Saudi Arabia, prayer times are to be adhered to and you must pray .
I watched stores close for prayer time. There are 5 times a day of prayer and what I heard was they must pray at least 3 out of the 5 prayer times.
But, this does nt apply to the royal family and of course friends of the family. Then there are the prayer time secret religious police. They actually monitor people to ensure they are performing their prays (while they do not have to). Oh, there is a punishment for not meeting your quota of prayer times per day. Not a fine like a speeding ticket.

Tone laws apply the same way marraige out of wedlock for Bill Cliintion applied in comparison as Trump's paid sec with a porn star out of wedlock while his 3rd wige gave birth to his kid doesn't apply.

Because, republican Idol and Icons are placed above their God.

I have talks with right wingers. Some put religion above everything (they say) while others admit GOd leads them to republican therefore GOP is higher.