Monday, October 26, 2020

I'd Like to Imagine That David Brooks Forced Patricia Cohen...

QUEENBOBO_SM write this at gunpoint, but honestly, from top to bottom, the entire New York Times is such a delusional sclerotic mess:


LΞΞ5K said...

It's so hard to keep up. I try. Thanks for helping. I've been worried about the NYT's effect on U.S. politics since early in the Bush 43 era. I know they have great investigative reporters but above-the-fold headlines have influence far beyond anything deeper inside the paper.

Repack Rider said...

Economics is hard for a guy who couldn't plan a picnic if you packed a basket, drove him to the park, spread out a blanket and led him to it.

Lawrence said...

I remember a guy saying "Deficits don't matter". Not Obama. Or Clinton (either). Could it have been Jimmy Carter?

Unknown said...

in exactly the same way the ghost Tex Schram continues to hover over NFL officiating, David Brooks' living ghost of a brain hovers over logic. It only makes sense if you're one of'em. I can't think of a single beltway brain named David who makes sense to anyone but themselves.

rapier said...

Also, everything you know about macro economics comes from the NY Times. It's pure propaganda built on the foundation that in the 1950's the John Birch Society wanted to eliminate the Fed. Thus any criticism of the Fed is instantly understood by liberals to be wingnuttery.

Batocchio said...