Thursday, October 29, 2020

Birthday Fundraiser: Day Four -- Dear Pete Omidyar...

Since you clearly still have what economists call a "shit-ton of money" to throw around, how about throwing some in the direction of people who weren't completely fucking wrong about Glenn Greenwald?

Yours in Christ, 

droneglass driftglass

Added this as a reference point for three weeks from now when no one will remember any of this:

No Half Measures


drbopperthp said...

...hee hee...

Hugsy Wugsy said...

Besides Vlad, who gives a shit what those two are whining about today?

Robt said...

Addressing the larger futuristic picture here is how at this point in history evolution of life is at a divide.

Although the nature and genetic pull is to evolve. There is that unreasonable mental state that refuses this factor in overall life on the planet.
They want to stay in caves and mark on the walls. Wait for lightning to strike and provide fire. While others have adapted and learned to make fire, guild improved housing that does not require geographical movements to create and doesn't have Bears living in them that need evicting.

Oh, am I speaking down at them from atop my evolutionary Godless irony tower?

Unlike the Chosen one coning down from the 30th floor of Trump Tower with the Reagan 11th commandment Amendment. That proclaims how unfairly Trump is treated and thou shalt not do anything Trump does not want you to do. Because Freedom and God.

Batocchio said...

"I have no bullshit detector, and you should pay me a shit ton of money."

I thought The Intercept's response was good. I like some of their writers.