Thursday, September 24, 2020

When Someone Spray Painted An Anarchy Symbol On His Driveway...

... Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News' White Power Hour used his enormous media platform to pound away, night after night, on the "Radical Left".  

I was at the protest outside Tucker Carlson’s house. Here’s what actually happened.

Less than 15 people chanting in the dark, with a tambourine.

His fairy tale of Antifa mobs nearly storming his castle immediately got a big boost from Tucker's Dear Leader because that's how Republicans roll:

Trump, Daily Caller repeat Tucker Carlson’s unproven claim that protesters broke his door

But when a death squad under the color of law kicked in Breonna Taylor's door and murdered her in her own bed while she slept? 

No Half Measures


ChiefD said...

Fucking slimeball piece of shit. Can't bring himself to pronounce her name right, slanders the boyfriend because he can't get it through his head that more than one person might have the last name Walker, and just blindly accepts the KY AG's version of things. Because, you know, the KY AG is an impartial good-faith actor, right? I think Tucker Carlson is an avid practitioner of that particular contortionist form of self-pleasure that Anthony Scaramucci attributed to Steve Bannon. And if not, my suggestion to him would be that he go try it.

Robt said...

Tucker sounds like he senses job insecurity and looks to shore up his horizon if he has to move on. As if, Tucker is auditioning for a major role in the D'jango Unchained Part II. A role as the main plantation owner D'jamgo faces off with.

In the day, if anyone on radio, Print or TV incited violence, racist promotion (leading to harm and violence) they were removed from the air waves. The frozen snowflake tears shed over White house press secretary who in the presence of her Lord, committed repeatedly violations of bearing false witness from that position she was paid by Americans she out right lied to. When a diner asked her to leave without service, the Tuckers explode in calls to punish people for not letting her go about her life as if she never did any harm with her false witnessing. Refusing service at a Walgreens diner counter, separate drinking fountains, Schools, ETC.. Well it was all hyperbolic liberals socialist evil lies of how bad that is. Overblown and doesn't happen anymore. Oddly, Republican tow truck driver called to help stranded people with their car that broke down sees a Obama sticker on the bumper and refuses assistance because "Liberals".
Right wing Pharmacist religious extremist refuses to sell a woman birth control because his pastor told him it is a sin even though it is not in his Bible. Religious right wingers are doing the Lords and Tucker's work when they block Planned Parenthood entrances and scream threats at women because they think all that go their are killing babies.

Tucker like many, want to rule other people and excuse themselves from any law.
This is GOP ideal and Libertarian more so.
Republican and Libertarian's have said out loud many times,
:the only fair tax is the one you pay and he does not ".

I do not intend any minimizing of police horrible behavior and those authorities who fall prey to fear of what if and the ones who are just OK with bad behavior to teach those people a lesson. Using Breona as their example like they did hangings in the south and letting them rot from the tree for a while for all to see.

Carlson lives in his fantasy world where he is special and they way to enable his thought is potting at other to blame and hiding his own actions and those like him for support.
All said and done, Trump's presidency with his white supremacy indulgent emboldens Tucker's own racist behavior he feels entitled to.

I could only imagine all the honors Tucker would have earned by making the , "Worst Person in the world". And achieving it often.

Neo Tuxedo said...

Tucker like many, want to rule other people and excuse themselves from any law.
This is GOP ideal and Libertarian more so.
Republican and Libertarian's have said out loud many times,
:the only fair tax is the one you pay and he does not ".

I may have quoted it in these comments before, but just in case, here's what Frank Wilhoit had to say on that very subject back in 2018 at Crooked Timber:
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:
There must be in-groups whom the law protectes [sic] but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time."

Frank Wilhoit asserts that this is the only political philosophy we had for most of human history, and that it has gone back to being the only political philosophy we have: "by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation." This may be a little hyperbolic, and the very next comment makes a case against Wilhoit's point, but one could argue that many of what appear to be rebellions against conservatism are merely cases of some out-group elbowing their way to in-group status, often casting one or more in-groups out in the process.

"There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? [T]he proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone."

Otherwise, the in-groups may find that the out-groups no longer consider themselves bound by laws that have never protected them, and in turn that themselves, as in-groups, are no longer protected by laws they have never considered themselves bound by.

Neo Tuxedo said...

I think Tucker Carlson is an avid practitioner of that particular contortionist form of self-pleasure that Anthony Scaramucci attributed to Steve Bannon. And if not, my suggestion to him would be that he go try it.

So say we all.

Robt said...

I haven't read nor have any knowledge of Frank Wilhoit. He has some interesting language and phrasing in which he attempts to define his concepts of and in a simplistic and basic format to understand.

If you use his notion , "The proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone."

Using the fundamental basis as, "We the People, for and by the people"
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness? All created equal" ?
The intangibles of spirit of the concept to endeavor to achieve. Knowingly end of the achievable rainbow is undefined.
It may be an never ending journey.
The concept of always improving on. Not even Einstein was able to learn and understand everything in his life time. Yet he strived and improved his knowledge until his mortality ended.

Not even under dictatorships, communist restrictive conservatisms style (reserving behavior etc., does differing ideals cease to exist. maybe not freely, publicly m or legally. There is no one ideology superior to all, there is a balance of a mixture to coexistence that enhances (not burdens) one another.

No, I do not consider Hitler's concepts and final solutions an ideology. A cult by religious terms, greed and corruption of the worst of man's capabilities..

We haven't even addressed the imbalance of wealth and the power it weilds by an individual who uses it to infringe on everything and everyone. Because wealth and power.
But then that would be straying from the path in the origin of For and of the People.
A Civil War occcured because we had one group of people enjoying the fruits of wealth and power by slavery and those northerners and there northern agression bringing the southern p we the people's slavery to an end. Never assimilated.