Tuesday, September 01, 2020

He's In The (Twitter) Jailhouse Again, Again

Am I the all time winner?  Because this makes it my fifth trip to Guantwittermo.  It was only for a few hours this time -- I assume having a racist, homicidal sociopath filling Twitter all day with ALL CAPS gibberish may have lowered the bar -- but even for a short bit, Twitter jail changes you man.

The first time I went up the digital river for using the "W" word on Twitter.

The second time I was sent up it was for using the "G" word on Twitter, when I used a quote from "Pulp Fiction" to describe Lindsey Graham.

The third time was for quoting Benjamin Franklin to Brit Hume. 

The fourth time...I genuinely have no idea other than one of my Wingnut Minders is devoting more time than I am worth fucking with me.  Twitter is, after all, essentially an unflushed toilet bowl ruled by toilet trolls

-- in response to this back-and forth between me and some random Republican shithead who decided he would step to me on Twitter:
And what was it that I did this time

Good question.  This time I advised a Twitter troll that if they chose to die stupid, it was no skin off my nose.

Hard to figure this as a jailing offense when such august Conservative Blue Check media personages as Rick Wilson run their mouths like this on Twitter pretty much every damn day:

So where were we?

Oh yes, I believe we were talking about the Maoist horrors of Liberal cancel culture...

No Half Measures


duquesne_pdx said...

Damn. It's going to be difficult to keep reading the words of a confessed criminal such as yourself, but I suppose gaining the perspective of a hardened twitter felon will have its rewards.

Postictal said...

Don't drop the soap in Twitter jail.

Robt said...

Free legal advice,
The firth Twitter incarceration requires the mandatory Water boarding but using Bleach instead of water as a virus protection.

It is clear you aren't in the Twitter justice system that Convicts like Cohen and Manafort have access to. For they get released because of the dangers of catching the virus from being incarcerated.
In the mean time, all of those Devoted Trump Jim Jones superior believers are all writing ,
Tell the truth and nothing but the truth , books.
After becoming the fall stooge for their chosen one.

It is my opinion, these Loyal fallen Trump stooge angels fallen from Trump's grace for the cause of deflecting incrimination on the Donald. Having trouble taking one for the team when it is that individual that is taking it for the Trump team is not acceptable to them. When it is them.
Before becoming the fal stooge for Trump, having their lives destoroyed and careers tainted.
The worked so diligently and loyally to do all those harms onto other people. They watched those prior become the fall stooge for Trump and they felt Trump would never do that to them because they are superior and valuable and everyone else , had it coming or they just didn't care.
Just like the new book promoted on Rachel's show of the Malania BFF who wants to set the record straight because as a Trump fall stooge she now feels tainted. It was fine for her to when she was one of the ones doing the harm to others. But when it is her? Buy my tell all book so I can make some cash. On the way out.

So you might feel discouraged and restrained by your latest Twitter incarceration.

But, ""always look on the bright side of life" You are not in a Malania fall stooge situation.

Nick Jr. said...

Why are you on Twitter to begin with? I've listened to your podcast for the last six years or so and absolutely no one makes the argument better than you that right-wingers are a bunch of mindless stooges who will never listen to reason and would rather light themselves on fire than admit they were wrong about absolutely anything. So why are you sweating the fact that you keep getting in trouble for sparring with them on social media? Don't you know that the only winning move is not to play?

Robt said...

Lighting themselves on fire?

I bring the marshmallows. Because burning themselves down is better than the mantra of, "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat".

dervy scram said...

you are directing your invective directly toward people rather than in a generalized way.A smart cookie like you should be able to figure it out.