Saturday, September 26, 2020

Breaking: Rare Footage of the Mainstream Media and the Never Trumpers...

...reacting to the rise of the fascist Right over the past 40 years. 

No Half Measures

1 comment:

Robt said...

It is as all the variances of Capitalism. The market will rule and decide all.

Another Capitalism is, GOP government inserting itself into foreign trade in search of higher prices for profits for farmers. When it fails and backfires. Republicans can use socialism for those republican farmers and, it is not socialism.

Government use of imminent domain for oil pipelines is not free market not capitalism.

Republicans ideology of economics, alone. Is not compatible with our U.S. Constitution.

It was not capitalism or magical mystical hand of the free market that brought the end to slavery.

All the NEVET Trumpers have made statements as,
I don't like his fascist use of power but I adore his extreme fascist judge's.
Trump's massive spending is not conservative whatsoever but I enjoyed my tax cuts during massive national debt I screamed about for all 8 years of the Obama years.

As well
REpublican conservatism is strongest on law and order.

That is why when the GOP majority Senate was charged by their oath of office to hold an impeachment trial and (be ) a non partisan jurist with open mind.
They included a vote before the trial toand voted not to allow one single witness.
( with the exception of the president's defense team who had witnesses that were there only in the capacity of defense team lawyer.

Some call it politically defecating in public. So all can get a good wiff at the steaming aroma.