Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trump 2020 Begins Testing New Campaign Slogans

No Half Measures


rapier said...

I think it needs a little work. The mistake is the "we". I think just 'They all have to die sometime' might be a winner

Hallbowski23 said...

Trump 2020: Death and Taxes (but not me or mine).

Robt said...

Laws of probability and possibility, Pelosi 2020 (before election)

Pence and Trump going through a separation. Having affairs with those who tested positive leads to marriage counseling to save their relationship.
Is it too late? Will the virus prevail to take its toll on both Trump and Pence?
Leaving Pelosi to heir to the Trump Throne?

They say God works in mysterious ways................

LarrytheRed said...

"He kept us out of war" was already taken.

duquesne_pdx said...

Trump 2020: Better off Dead

bob said...

Pence will be going under the bus. He was put at the head of the virus task force to take the fall (another Christofascist out of the line of succession, Praise Jesus)for Agent Orange. It will prolly be Trump/Haley. Vote Blue!!!

Victor said...


Because your knot dumm!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been going with a slight refinement: "Trump 2020 -- We All Have to Die of Something"

Pagan in repose said...

Pardon my English, fuck the republicans, they are dead from their toe nails to the top of their pointy shrunken heads. The republican Wisconsin Supreme court, sided with the republican legislature in the legislature's law-suit against the Governor's stay in place order, and as the Governor said last night " is now the wild west in Wisconsin." Anybody can do whatever they like. Think of the HBO series "Deadwood" with Al Swearengen and Cy Tolliver in charge of the blood letting and looting with Typhoid Mary as their backup and you get the picture. Just a boot to the neck, and knock them over the head, take their money and leave them with the virus. Fuckin-Yippee ki-yay the gold rush is on and the republican merchants are out for blood.

Yes, November is hardly a light in the distance but, as Driftglass has said and I paraphrase "the republican party must be reduced to ashes and dumped into the trash can of history." They are blood sucking brainless leeches with no humanity left in them, without concern for the country, even their own families, just powerlust and blood money. They have left no bridge un-burned and are an abomination to whatever Deity you choose to pray.

And, I sincerely apologize to all of the worlds leeches, they are good upstanding, useful creatures with families to raise to also become decent hardworking leeches for the future.

Oh yes, back to washing the clothes and sanitizing everything in sight. No repose for this Pagan, while muttering a prayer underbreath.

Robt said...

I hear your opinion and mostly agree.
Except for one thing. When you say, "Pardon my English, fuck the republicans".

You ask too much. How about you go have sex with republicans. It is like when they told Obama, " why don't he have a drink with McConnell".

I will be there for republicans. When they are in need of a jury to decide on their charges. I will do my civic duty for them. It will Cause AG Barr rig the guilty findings or forcing President to pardon his crime family because of his closely held religions crime family values.
I will be there on election day for republicans. To make sure I keep them out of trouble by not voting to put them in harms way as a elected official to be (as Trump puts it), Treated so unfairly". To make sure they are not in a position they do not qualify for. To vote and make sure they are not put into position of complete submission or bribery.
As stated in , Two and a half Corinthians.
Save a republican soul from Greed. Vote Democratic.......

Marc McKenzie said...

Save a republican soul from Greed. Vote Democratic.......

Can I steal this? Please?