Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Decrepit Fox News Husk Has Opinions

Fox Family

Spare a little schadenpity (92% schadenfreude to 8% pity) for decrepit Fox News husk Brit Hume, who has been reduced to doing scut work for the Washington Examiner.

Of course, he brought this entirely on himself, but it does make my cold, cold heart twinge ever so slightly to see a once-upon-a-time-long-ago-sorta-legit-teevee-news-person now just another obsolete has-been, chin-deep in wingnut pig-shit, doing unspeakable things to win the attention and approval of President Cornered Rat.

Just look away kids.  This is not a sight for innocent eyes.

No Half Measures


Unknown said...

"Fox News Senior Political Analyst"

You, I, and many, many others can happily go to our graves knowing that THAT was never on our CV/resume and will never be in our obituary.

Hooray for us!!!

Robt said...

Didn't Trump make pathetic fun of B-B-Brett Hu-hu-hume for his stuttering?

How relieved Hume's parents were after they finally used their wealth and influence to land their son a job. To get him out of the house, on his own. Pulling their son up with their own boot straps.

dinthebeast said...

Wait, would that be the same Brit Hume who exhorted Tiger Woods to become a Christian so as to have his sins of infidelity forgiven?
Atonement, Brit. Can you say "atonement"?
Didn't think so.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Fascinating how Brit Hume says many times. "he thinks".

As a FOX anchor baby, under his own criteria. Is he paid to "think", "Believe",a tale told to him or is he paid to just read what hack type into on the monitor in front of him?
Bret care to think about Benghazi, Torture, killing grandma with healthcare, Hillary's devastating emails between her and her daughter over the new born baby to the family?
How about GW Bush's economic collapse? GW Bush's socialism to bail out the Wall Street?
Pizza Gate? GOP borrow and spending in times of huge debt for our grandchildren to die from? All the satanic sex assaults and embarrassments in his FOX work place?

Let me know. If not one of those mentioned, their is more to list and choose from.