Thursday, May 07, 2020

It's Not a Hostile Media Takeover When...

(video NSFW wherever you're W-ing now)

..."the media cycle" collectively drops trou, hikes up its skirt, gets on all fours and begs to be taken like the German Wehrmacht took Poland.
Fun Fact:  In Sanskrit, "Maggie Haberman" is an anagram for "coquettish arsenic".

No Half Measures


Lawrence said...

Drift, you really are crossing the streams. A Nine Inch Nails implied Kirk and Spock gay sex video? For fuck's sake, man.

Robt said...

Republican-19 is Trump and it has the media headlines everyday.

How does Maggie miss this media factoid tid-bit?
Can the media just get back to normal and talk about Benghazi, HRC Emails and Where is Obama's birth Certificate. Maybe Biden Ukraine corruption. You know, something the media is really good at and do not have to work at. All they need do is receive the GOP daily memo and parrot and /or elaborate.

Note' it is only cost effective you do not have to pay taxes for another republican wall street bail out.