Wednesday, May 06, 2020

In The 224th Week Since President Cornered Rat Promised He Would Deliver Great Health Care At a Tiny Fraction Of The Cost

In October of 2016, candidate Trump swore that on his first day in office his Republican Congress would deliver to his desk for his signature a bill which would begin immediately repealing "the disaster known as Obamacare" and replacing it with "such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost".

 And of course, it was all "going to be so easy.”

And the Republican base bought it because they are racist and therefor anything the Kenyan Usurper did must be undone, and because decades of mistaking Fox News and Rush Limbaugh taking a shit in their skulls for wisdom has made them into little more than brute beasts burden for the sociopaths and con men and demagogues who run the Republican party.

Well it's been 224 weeks since President Cornered Rat was sworn in and began taking a fire-ax to everything we hold dear.  224 weeks, during which he had Republican majorities in both houses of Congress for two solid years and was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased.

And here is President Cornered Rat today, in the first innings of our global pandemic, dead eyes staring into the abyss of his doomed legacy, any semblance of long-term memory long since gone, the drug-corroded synapses of his rotting brain firing wildly this way and that, making random noises with his lie-hole.

Tens of millions of Americans, including virtually every Republican here in the town where Lincoln is buried, will swear to you by the Bizarro Christ they claim to believe in that this shambling deathclown -- this gibbering slab of toxic failure -- is the Greatest President in American history.

I think that's a pretty important story.

And I think the reason why the mainstream media refuses to treat it an important story is an even more important story.

No Half Measures


Jimbo said...

I seriously wonder what shape the Orange Anus will be in by the time of the GOP nominating convention let alone Election Day. He's already half-demented and convinced he's the greatest wartime general in history. By mid-summer, his rural/small town base could be seriously hollowed out. The shift in cases away from the cities is beginning but it is happening.

genconc said...

Yes! The media is the story.

duquesne_pdx said...

Personally, I'm getting sick of all of the winning...

jimbo26 said...

Mr Ran Away *promised* ...........................................

Anonymous said...

The Mendacious Menace is among the worst presidents, and probably has liquid racism, heterosexism, cissexism, misogyny, and xenophobia running through his veins, but what heclikely doesnt have is a drug-corroded brain. One of the few statements he has made that actually has support is his refusal to use drugs, brought on by the desth of a sibling.

Anonymous said...

The media - all of it - is THE story.
Twitter and facebook could not do it alone.
The media made him possible. They allow him to get away with EVERYTHING by not calling out his lies - every time.
They are still doing it.
They will get him elected again.

Anonymous said...

"In October of 2016, candidate Trump swore that on his first day in office his Republican Congress would deliver to his desk for his signature a bill ..."

Thanks for pointing this out. I'll be updating my "When did Donald Trump find out how a bill becomes law and that Congress isn't just a group of middle managers tasked with making what he says become real" date to "October 2016 at the earliest."

Of course, "He still hasn't" is a possibility. And "Shortly after he was inaugurated, but his mind has deteriorated to the point where he's forgotten and they can't get him to hold it in his brain anymore" is a strong recent contender.

Robt said...

I cannot take credit for this. But, I can fully agree with it and cite it.

Despite what people say about Donald Trump and his failed promise of great affordable health care for everyone and how easy it will be to do it. Along with the GOP.

" The inception offered of injecting bleach and shining lights up our rear ends. Is in fact the Most detailed republican replacement for ObamaCare the GOP has publicly offered, so far".