Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Get Your Election On: The Story Continues 4

(Concept lifted from David Rees' brilliant, Bush-era "Get Your War On" series -- a well from which I may continue to draw inspiration from time to time as the crazy continues to grow exponentially.)

No Half Measures


duquesne_pdx said...

Demoncrats win if people can vote by mail! I rest my case libtards!

Lawrence said...

Obama did say that the investigation was to be done "by the book". But, as we all know, regulation 46A states that if transmissions are being monitored during battle, no uncoded messages are to be transmitted on an open channel. So, "by the book" is clearly not what it sounds like.

Robt said...

Just understand.
Republican base does not require a real example of wrong or bad behavior or corruption against Deocrats in the election.

All required is "thing". It could be Pizza gate. Birth certificate of Obama. Biden is not an American, not even a human being. he escaped from area 51 after being captured when his alien space craft crashed.
It only needs to be uniformly accepted and agreed on to repeat and repeat.
The zombie characteristic that they require human flesh to eat to survive and exist theory.

What will it be they agree on? It doesn't matter. We do not need to waste our time at the zombie circus.