Saturday, May 16, 2020

Cafe Petri Dish was Crowded That Day...

Behold, a Tip Jar!


duquesne_pdx said...

But Derp Fuhrer says it's going to magically disappear! What could possibly go wrong?

Robt said...

They demand their freedom to amass and assemble. But they demand them "other people" be dispersed and arrested for protesting/

A grown adults, they have lost (if they ever had) any sense of reason. Defying is the new superior genetic code.

It is the same extinction behavior Archaeologists found in the dinosaur age. As the RINO's could not adapt. The TEA Party went extinct. The John Birch ers have been on the GOP endangered species list and have preserve lands for them. RINOs want the same protections.

Opening up places of deep red GOP Trump worship is where they should allow Trump to restart his arena rallies. No masks, test , or spacing. Pure freedom to contract the Democratic Hoax. Let them sue the Trump campaign to cover their hospital and /or funeral bills.

Jason said...

What's there to say when you see something like this? Bunch of dumb ass motherfuckers.