Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Q: What Killed the Republican Party?


A: They were too fucking stupid the change the channel.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Lee said...

Not practicing safe distancing will be the coupe de grĂ¢ce.

Anonymous said...

Lee, from your keyboard to Dog's eyes.

I just hope very few innocents are damaged along the way.

Stay at home. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Don't touch your face, or a Republican, or a Libertarian, or an evangelist, or a Never-Trumper, or a Both-Sider.
Touching dogs is recommended.

Robt said...

The question like in the movie, "Walking Dead" is not what killed them. The question is, what reanimated them back into a form of life with only the basic instinct to feed?