Wednesday, April 15, 2020

If You're Just a Regular Sentient Human Being...'ll never understand why this statewide meeting of Michigan Divorced Dads without Custody (h/t @BlueGal) are demanding the right to spread a lethal plague to their neighbors unless you wear the special glasses.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

As many, many Liberty Valances tell me all the time,

" I have the right by the hollowed 2nd Amendment to bare arms.. The republican party and the NRA are strangling my 2nd Amendment right to possess Weapons Grade Anthrax. To defend myself from others, a tyrannical Gov't as well as hunting Wild Boar to feed my family".

I call your Covfefe-19 and raise you weapons Grade Anthrax.

Is there a way to accommodate these folks? Can we create a quarantined fenced off town where they can go about there ignorance to death and work in meat packing in these areas.

Oh, there is Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Somalia. they can flee for their freedom.

Robt said...

I now see Ditsy Devos's family money is inspiring these valiant lads and lasses to pout.

maybe Devos is offering discount coupons for a third grade diploma equivalent.