Saturday, April 18, 2020

I Was Binge Watching The Rockford Files... I guess I missed the memo announcing that African-American voters are now "the establishment".

What an exciting development!

From The New York Times:

Vote for Biden? Sanders Supporters Say It’s ‘Up in the Air’

“If we don’t declare as a movement that this isn’t good enough,” Mr. Kesselring said, referring to Mr. Biden’s moderate policies, “then the Democratic Party has every right to ignore us. I hate the idea of Donald Trump being president for another term, but if that’s what we need to do to make these people take us seriously, that’s what needs to be done.”

“For a college student, the barriers to get to the voting place are very real,” said Victoria Waring, 21, whose family home is in central Pennsylvania but who attends college in Philadelphia, studying film and animation. “A lot of my friends are disillusioned with the Democratic Party, they feel there’s nothing they can do to be represented, that the establishment will pick whoever they want and it doesn’t matter what we say.”
There were primaries.

Bernie Sanders got fewer votes than Joe Biden, and they both got more votes than my first and second choices.

That's how math works.

Bernie Sanders has now energetically endorsed Joe Biden and will be campaigning for Joe Biden, as have my first and second choices.

That's how politics works.

Here endth the lesson.

Tip Jar.


duquesne_pdx said...

If the first four years of this hellscape didn't make them see the Truth, another four years will do the trick. Onward to Utopia!

Robt said...

Why they omit people like me from these proclamations.

No, I do not cosider myself a Bernie Bro onor a Warren Wife.

I did support the both of them. Either one making the nomination gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside that brightened our future by what they might accomplish and address as president.

As the primary is like the movie, "Highlander", I now find myself supporting Joe Biden.

Not because Obama endorsed him, not because Biden all of a sudden sais something to bring me to his side.

The primary was here and gone. does not exist for the Presidnet's race.

They choices are;
- don't vote. Ignoring your duty to the Freedom America provides.
- Vote for Trump to continue the trashing of America.
- Vote for Biden knowing he is not Chaos and may not be as ambitious to correct the path to Putin's Russia of what ever it is called.
- Vote 3rd party. Tossing my vote away to make some sort of grandiose angry extreme self-centered statement NO one will hear or understand.

I supported Bernie and still do, But not for president anymore this election. I stand with Biden who represents best. What is not Trump and his republican party, who actually hate me. They have said so. and still do.

Mr XD said...

~~~ AAAAHMEN ~~~

RossK said...

If you could get a few of those fine folks to sit down and watch one, or maybe three, of the 32 episodes where Jimmy demonstrates to Angel exactly how and why he is a chump, perhaps they, too, might get the message.