Friday, April 17, 2020

Noam Chomsky is Now a Counterrevolutionary DLC Neoliberal

Let the airbrushing begin!

History is a Bourgeois Concept Something Something Designed to Oppress the Yadda Yadda Yadda.


Anonymous said...

So Noam is saying that "Nach Trump, uns" doesn't mean much if there's nothing left to be nach? Interesting

LarrytheRed said...

Biden may not be an (your) ideal candidate, but he's what we've got.

Jim H. said...

Bernie not Bernie enough.
And now, Noam not Noam enough.
For many.

Robt said...

Tell me what man became president as the "ideal" for president. Before he did anything to make him ideal?
Even then, FDR elected 6 times. Besting any opposition directional opponents.
Matched up against them.

But the "ideal" candidate is a figment of imagination. Was there someone that could do America better than FDR?
It become limited relevance as Trump vs Biden now.