Thursday, March 19, 2020

What Will The GOP Be Doing During Peak and Post-COVID-19?

Glad you asked.

Despite rumors to the contrary, unless strong, blunt, unified action is taken to stop them, the Republican Party will survive intact with more than enough hate in its heart and rot in its brain to go right on fucking this country up for a long time to come.

And the reason for this is not mysterious at all.  They will do it by following exactly the same, simple, step-by-step playbook they have been using for decades.
1) Deny the problem exists.  Deny, Deny, Deny.  And attack anyone who says otherwise, especially those crazy Libtards who are trying to sound the alarm.

2) Grudgingly acknowledge that there may be a problem, but it's almost certainly nowhere near as bad as those alarmists say it is.  Continue attacking the crazy Libtards (who keep repeating facts) by insisting that their "facts" are just disloyal, anti-American politicization designed to make the Dear Leader during These Perilous Times.

3) Finally accept the problem.  After which they will insist that the situation is now so bad that there is no time to time to worry about about how thing got so bad or who was right and who was wrong. However...

4)  This will not stop them for hunting for a scapegoat -- an Emmanuel Goldstein at whose feet all guilt will be laid.  And yes, you can be damn sure that however bad things get, the crazy Libtards will be blamed for either causing the problem or making it worse.

5)  They will block, deflect, deny and gangswarm lie anyone who says any different, which will work for the same reason it always works -- they have an enormous and lavishly-funded Conservative Media Hate Machine and we have blogs and podcasts.

6)  If it becomes impossible to shift the blame entirely away from their Dear Leader and their Party  (see, "The Iraq Clusterfuck") ... they will suddenly declare that they're (wait for it) really Independents.  That they never really supported the Dear Leader at all and are therefor personally blameless.  And anyway, Hillary sucked so bad, what choice did they have?  Because (they will then insist) the real fault lies with (wait for it) Both Sides of the K'rupt Duopoly.

7)  All of this will be aided and abetted by a mainstream media which is so craven that they would sell their own mother as a sneeze guard in a COVID-19 isolation ward before they would dare admit that the Republican Party is the fucking problem.
Of course, this is only one possible future.  It is depressingly probable that it's the one we'll end up with but it isn't inevitable.

We still have a hand on the tiller of Fate.

Help Flatten The Conservative Viral Curve


Anonymous said...

Well, we're on about Step 4 1/2 right now.

Robt said...

We don't have medical supplies , not enough hospital beds, no vaccine or immunity.

But we do have the greatest country in the world with a ton of ideological unqualified judges.

The number one item we are going to need in the brave new world without a constitution is definitely an abundance of right wing extreme judges.
Especially in a small un intrusive small government that can be drowned in a bath tub.

It might have made more sense if McConnell was hog wild confirming right wing extreme unqualified Doctors.....................

Trendar said...

Accurate. I would add that part of stage 6 is claiming that they (or their leader) weren’t extreme enough because of their “compromises” with those damn libtards. If they had only quadrupled down on the original strategy they would’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams (see Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War, etc.). Conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed.