Thursday, March 19, 2020

President Stupid Finds His Jeff Gannon

Every catastrophically failed Republican President needs a Jeff Gannon.

For Dubya it was, well, Jeff Gannon -- 

-- aka James "HotDilatoryStud" Guckert ,

And now, in the midst of a terrifying pandemic which President Stupid has done everything in his power to worsen, Donald Trump has a creature named Chanel Rion from One America News at his beck and call.  And she, my friends, is swinging for the fences.   From Brother Charlie Pierce:
But the presser didn’t go zooming off the rails until a “reporter” named Chanel Rion from One America News, the outlet that the president* watches when Fox News gets too Chomsky for him, chimed in from the izonkosphere.
On that note, major left-wing media, including some in this room, have teamed up with Chinese Communist Party narratives and they're claiming you’re a racist for making these claims about Chinese virus. Is it alarming that major media who just oppose you are consistently siding with foreign state propaganda, Islamic radicals, and Latin gangs and cartels, and they work right here in the White House with direct access to you and your team?

(Media Matters has the 411 on Rion, and, well, wow.)

You might remember that I forced you all to relive l'affaire Gannon a few years ago and so (you may fairly ask) why revisit it again?

Because (as I said at the time) back in 2005, the idea that a sleazy, conspiracy-drunk wingnut fake-reporter had wormed his way into the White House press corps and, for two years, had been acting as a verbal cum dumpster for a disastrously fucked-up Republican administration was so deeply transgressive and disgraceful in the eyes of Washington D.C.'s aforementioned sacred institutions (Preznit, the Beltway steno pool and male prostitutes) that everyone just...sorta...looked the other way.

And now, 15 years later, a practice that was so shocking in 2005 that it literally killed the team of matched Percherons that Andrea Mitchell used to use to get haul the mortal remains of Alan Greenspan to various cocktail parties around the nation's capitol... just another day at the office under the regime of The Bastard President during the Year of the Plague.

Help Flatten The Conservative Viral Curve


Robt said...

Not surprised by that. And , it should be called out.

Read several articles reporting on Trump hiring lots of FOX flunky employees and the wanna-bes.
He instructed them to prepare every day as if it were a reality TV show being produced, as the Apprentice was.

Trump screens the white house press. He handeth out the white house passes (if you are so blessed).
Trump called Rion (one America) because he did not care for the way the briefing was going. he knew what the One America (Rion) (Achem) -reporter would ask. He wanted that question to rant and rave and pop the cork at the press that just questioned him with "stuff: he didn't like. So he took the out and ranted and rave about "stuff" he doesn't like, who are bad people. sad news businesses and overall condemn the world for not noticing God sent him here to MAGA.
It is very important that we understand from the president's mouth how he feels about calling Chinese food, "Chinese Food". For those about to die from the Covid-19. You can go in peace knowing this.

An honorable mention to the Trump in this response rant-rambling off the Rion question.

Tiarding ovr fake news, he does distribute the NYT anymore, blubber-blubber-blubber. Fake news, and they are so mean to him it is unfair and all.

Donny Daddy blurted out, "The people do not know the truth. I tell them what it is"

Watch the clip. It is in there.

Will it upset Trump and his Zombies if I disagree and state for the record. Trump is not correct and is far from a truth because I am capable of knowing Truth without him. Although he does show me all the variations of the NON-truths.

Will their coveffees cry unfair treatment?

Victor said...

I call it, "The tRUMP Plague."

He's been like a human plague who's ruining this already ruined country - with the ruination stemming from EVERY RepubliKKKLAN POTUS after Ike!

His presence is like a miasmatic fog.

Robt said...

Jeff Gannon was the reinvented true Deep Throat.

If you don't believe me, Ask Liz Cheney. Who gave him every masculine inch she could muster.

Anonymous said...

I presume her parents have passed allowing her to rewrite their history. If not, the crazy hasn't fallen far from the tree.

Robt said...

I like the titling the virus as the "Trump Plague".

It should be spread across media. And, as plagues and viruses. They can morph into similar deadly variances of the original.

As the MAGA Virus. Trump disease.
Hey, Obama had to put up with being blamed for a collapsed economy that occurred in 2008 prior to his inauguration. It would be selfish of us if we did not add ridiculous accusations and wayward blame on Trump for God sending the virus because he ran out of Locusts.