Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Never Again Is What You Swore...

...the time before.

This is exactly how Republican thugs and traitors slithered off the hook last time.

And the time before that.

And the time before that.

And the time before that.

Never again.

Help Bend The Conservative Viral Curve


rapier said...

No, we can't go back to that time before Mr. Rubio got that gleam in his eye. Still, one can dream. For what is life without them?

Chief D said...

Oh, Marco. Such pontificating from the genius who mentioned "Marshall Law" only a couple of days ago.

Robt said...

sounds of a familiar theme. A siren song that remains the same. Pit the wax plugs in your ears or the siren singers will cause you to crash your ship into the rocks and drown all.

Except "all" means certain people.

It is that same tune of , "thoughts and prayers" even after the Las Vegas mass 2nd Amendment defending itself from government tyranny

If not rand Paul it wold be another. He provides a special service to the party. Voting party lines as a republican but hanfs on to his novel "Independent" flavor.

It comes in handy when the GOP/ McConnell needs one of their Senaotrs to obstruct something difficult and perhaps costly to other republican if they were to take the obstructive/ destructive position.
The press will report, "well that is Rand Paul what do you expect". All other GOP senators mmake grumbling stumach noises. But will not override Rand's obstruction because it is cover for them.
ell me,
Why was it the time to cast suspect on HRC emails as the aspersion of Treason.?

Should it not have waited 50 years after her presidency to get the answers.?

This is not the time to hold any "republican" accountable. is what they mean.

It is so bizarre to her GOPers of late in front of cameras speaking about we need to be bipartisan on this virus matter.
Which means, Democrats need to do whatever the GOP says .

Am I wrong? If so, Explain?

Chan Kobun said...

It's always too soon to talk about gun control or republican malfeasance.

Until it's too late.

sos said...

And fixed it with typo V-II "marital"

dinthebeast said...

So which is it gonna be, Republicans? A trillion dollar stimulus that you think will save the election, or the denial of paid leave for affected workers and their families that will lose it?

It feels kind of odd reading of the shelter in place orders from this snowed in hillside that I couldn't leave if I wanted to.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Pagan in repose said...

Let's face it Trump is not a leader, He proves every day now that he is a dunce with his thumb up his ass and doesn't know what to do.

Can you imagine Obama leading us at this moment.

As long as Trump remains the non commander in chief playing with his own shit because he doesn't have a fucking clue what to I need to fill in the rest.

This is the time for real leadership. Without an Obama, or a Clinton president in charge chaos will consume us as it is right now. Without the clear truth and calm leadership as is required of the job of the President, with a plan and talking to the public every day, with experts around her/him explaining what they are doing, going to do and to assure the public that the government of the USA in on the fucking job and you are not left trying to save your ass with a roll of toilet can fill in the rest.

As of this moment it is a State by State scatter shot of plans with less than enough resources.

As of last night according to Rachel Maddow there are 6 States with no plans at all, and as you might expect it includes Texas, Oklahoma...

I'll say it again, Trump and Pence are totally unqualified for this emergency. They should be removed now and Nancy Pelosi sworn in as acting President until the elections. Then and only then will we see real action from the Government of the United States of America.

As to the republicans put that in your, ah fuck it, just go fuck yourselves you useless piles of flea dung, and take your President with you.

Robt said...

Not to argue, BUT,,,,

I have a lot of facts that point to concluding that Trump is a Leader.

He is as the Pied Piper of storybook fame.

He plays his tune and every filthy rat follows him.