Some people like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger, while others may picture Him in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says, "I want to be formal, but I'm here to party."
As for me, I prefer to imagine the Prince of Peace unlimbering his extra-wide, money-changers-in-the-temple flogging belt every time another Republican Christopath holds forth about their poisonous interpretation of scripture, and then heading down to our vale of tears to lay about said Christopath with vigor, as the kids say.
First on my list, Sean Hannity, who managed get the core concept of an entire philosophy ass-backwards wronger, faster than anyone I have ever seen outside of Otto from A Fish Called Wanda.
No, Sean, the central message of Christianity is not "Feed yourselves you lazy fucks!" any more than the central message of Buddhism is "Every man for himself." And the reason I know this is because the story of The Feeding Of The Multitude is one of those Very Big Miracles which is referenced in all four gospels and has been taught in every Sunday school class in Christendom for a couple of thousand years.
You stupid, stupid fuck.
For a kinder and more theologically-expert take on Mr. Hannity's Vermin on the Mount, I would refer you to my lovely wife writing in Crooks & Liars here.
Behold, a Tip Jar!
But are we sure the London Underground is not a political movement?
It is the case that old Saul called Paul scolded the some of the members of the commune in Thessaloniki for sitting around gossiping instead of helping out around the place: "For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living." II Thessalonians 3:10-12 Idiot Christopaths have decided the "command" in the first verse trumps all the stuff Fran cites, because they like that verse better and it never occurs to apply it to their own layabout selves, and because they are so shitty at theology, the same way they pick up two bits of dubious Jewish law and disregard the undisputable stuff about eating pork. Fuck them all.
As an atheist in good standing, I'm perpetually torn between the pillars of non- (or better yet, dis-) belief, and the fond hope that it's all real, and it's all just like they say, and that their cruel, vengeful sky-daddy holds them all responsible for their greedy hypocrisies in the here and now.
Dragging it through the ruff,
Trump can order hannity to perform a late term abortion on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight. To a woman forced into having that abortion by a Trump decree.
To harsh? Might the right wing hate mongrels accuse me of being Godless? Souless? Liberal? Being the Anti-christ? Hurting my feelings enough to cause me to confess to their false accusations? Will it cause people I have known for a long time to condemn me all of a sudden? Even those long time known people that identify as republican? Will my republican senator or GOP House Rep. continue to dismiss representing me or will they all of a sudden begin to represent me?
Would I all of a sudden be running a pedophile ring out of the RNC basement taking over where Jeffery Epstein left off.
And the religious right and the loyal zombies would praise it.
Before you judge me as being too harsh. You may need to use the eyes, ears and brain your God gave you. That is supposed to place you as steward over the animal kingdom.. Smarter than a Lemur in other words.
Not to critique a person's label too much, but your agnostic in good standing... Atheism requires a Hard belief that its not real, nor any other religion's ideas, nothing beyond what we can percieve essentially. Honestly I have a much more vigorous respect for those who don't believe in a deity or afterlife than those who swear they don't exist
Also kinda ignores the difference between what God said (and yes Christ kinda gets credit for saying in God's voice) and what the followers said.
Idk whether or not this is theologically-expert. It is to my ear expertly comprehensive intelligent words, (I read the transcript, I didn't listen to the tape).
I do know you, dg, are interceptably irreconcilable.
I suspect you may be a Nader hater to boot.
As for Scare-ya (whazzisname), I like Taibbi more but not all.
Just, inspiration is where one finds it.
~~ The Legend of USA ~~
Republicans are not fit.
Guilty hands vote acquit.
To Pelosi I say (like Ralph), "If at first you don't remove, try, try, again."
That's not what atheism means.
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