Friday, February 14, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #533

“In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?" 
--   Saint Augustine

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Doctender said...

Voting for Bloomberg is the same as voting for Trump. Saying otherwise is being blindly by party affiliation, a party affiliation Bloomberg has shared with you for about 7 minutes. This was an extremely disappointing episode

driftglass said...

Remember when voting for Hillary was the same as voting for Trump? Or maybe even worse? Is there anyone on Earth still stupid enough to believe that?

Also, what is it about "I'm coming for Mike Bloomberg. I do not want Mike Bloomberg as the nominee of my party" (7:30) that seems unclear to you?

Robt said...

Trading in an evil corrupt dictator for a imagined self proclaimed benevolent rich dictator was never a choice I considered I might have in the future.

dinthebeast said...

OK, I plan on voting for Warren on the third of next month, but if she doesn't win the nomination I will support and vote for whichever candidate gets nominated by the Democratic Party in November, even if it's Bloomberg.
Bloomberg is a stone cold reptile with many, many drawbacks as a candidate, but if he is the nominee, I will vote for him. Here are a few reasons why:

The list goes on. You get the idea.

Thank you again for the podcast. These are scary times, with the fall of the rule of law in the USA and all, and we have one hell of a fight in front of us to get it back. Like many of the other less than appealing compromises we are facing down, we'll have to realize that we won't get it back in the form it was in when we lost it. That is not, in fact, a reason to become discouraged and disengaged, it is a reason to try and rise to the challenge and influence the form of the rule of law we do get when we eventually get it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

I won't say at thispoint, Bloomberg is the last resort. There are bottoms below bottoms.
Tulsi anyone? Tulsi?
Absolutely not to make any inkling of a comparison.
FDR was a very wealthy guy. How did he amass his wealth? That as a long time ago right.

What comes to mind is, How did he run for election. Who did he run in the primary against. What were the rhetoric attacks on one another.

Same with the FDR General election. How did people of the day entrust FDR in the early days before president?
I read many of his speeches and they did it chords even today as I read them so many years later.
Could an FDR figure of great wealth overcome today?

It is not only the presidency. The GOP senate is an exact duplicate of Putin's Russian Doma.
We all heard it when McConnell told us, he is the grime reaper of legislation meaning no one else gets to legislate and Only if Trump wants something, he will do it.
This last resolution to curb Trump on war powers was a gag. To make his troubled senators in purple states look more electable.

Doctender said...

I'm aware of the Hillary is worse than Trump nonsense. That was stupid and wrong. Calling the billionaire, racist, sexist, homophobic, authoritarian candidate from New York the same as the fake billionaire, racist, sexist, homophobic, authoritarian president is accurate. I get that you're fighting to keep him from being the nominee but if he buys the nomination what good is voting for him? Democracy is lost if Trump wins just as surely as its lost if an actual billionaire can buy the nomination of a party. You're a smart man and I enjoy you're podcast and writing but you're wrong on this one. Voting for Bloomberg is a vote for a competent, and infinitely funded Trump.

Robt said...

Hear what your saying.
To dismiss a wealthy man is not actually the point.

Keep in mind, The GOP rammed through Citizens United ruling. Corporations are people and money is speech. Actually money is now equivalent to a mass of voters. The more money the more enthusing voters the more that money can suppress other votes.

Billionaires have been funding elections mostly anonymously.
Except when the GOP goes nuclear over the evil George Soros who is very bad but the Mercer family or Koch Brothers are blessings from their God.

The McConnell Senate, only republicans can legislate and with 53 GOP senators. A republican president is a unitary dictator above the law.

Bloomberg doesn't trouble me as much as Trump. Bloomberg's past GOP camping adventures does.
Isn't it tiresome to listen to all the Russian bots and all the GOPer's telling us how bad and weak our candidates are?

This is a meme that has infected most of the media. The fear of who can beat Trump? Means Sanders (to them) cannot?

We have only had two states do their primary's. More to come and more time to shine if you are a "D'" candidate.
As a registered Democrat. It is my humble opinion. We have a plethora of very good candidates that anyone of them have the potential to move America in a positive manner.

Let me add, There is NO reporting on house or Senate elections.

They are campaigning. Will be on the ballot. many folks in their states will have lttile media to trust or hear . Take Kansas, they now have Russian radio piped in to their heads daily because Russia purchased their radio stations. Guess Rushbo wasn't right wing enough or Putin is the next right wing prophet for them?

I am willing to let Bloomberg run his course. He promises to money ball any Democratic nominee, if it is not him.
I welcome that because I cannot compete with donors like the Koch's, Sheldon Adelson Etc. Under Citizens United curse.
Getting Democratic calls for donations. They are asking if I can donate a recommended $300 d.00. How about $200? American's like me are on budgets to stretch the dollar.

Having that sort of "expendable" Income is not in my Financial portfolio.

Our candidates are who they are. Now in process of selecting. People will freely choose their choices. Identify the interference from outside the Democratic primary and its voters. Russian bots, Every right wing pundit is out there with all sorts of air time. Telling Democrats how they should select and who and why and who is not worthy. They are not voting Democrats. They are too weak to tell us all about their side.
Better idea after super Tuesday which falls on Taco Tuesday.

bill said...

Not sure how this became Robt's forum? Newly minted commenter? Seems to be an independent, quasi-bothsiderist? We're hopefully learning from this ongoing fiasco?
A few seats in the senate makes a world of difference. There is also a world of difference between Democratic programs of FDR through Carter and what has come since. Sadly, voters have apparently adjusted to the newer Republican norms. They go primal over Socialism and cheer as Capitalists steal the generationally earned equity that's been redistributed since RWR.

DG, you and BG do a fine job at reminding us of what has been lost. Getting any of it back will never come via compromise with these Reproblicans. My question is: who, of the contenders, has the ability to remind the American voter? IMO, only Warren and Sanders. Harris and Booker could have, but didn't. The rest of the field either doesn't know or care to recoup the losses as we move forward.

Jonathan said...

I REALLY don't want it to actually happen, as that would ensure a Trump victory, but Mini Mike Bloomberg might be what cracks the Democratic party in half. Liberals and leftists splitting their votes would ensure failure in the general, but maybe the threat's enough to make the bastards at the DNC step off the hose.

Then again, that's working under the assumption that party leadership would rather have Bernie than Trump, and I'm honestly not sure about that.

Which is of course the ultimate irony of all the unity-policing from liberals pointed leftwards; fans of Saint Bernard in '16 defected from their party in the general at what, half the rate that Crooked Hillary's did, rather than vote for Obama and his "boys" in '08?

Jonathan said...

An excellent quote, and it reminds me of a Literary Reference, which I know is our favorite thing around here.

The failed impeachment of Trump was our own Battle of Yonkers, from World War Z (the book).

It was the moment that all the sources of authority and power that were supposed to stop the madness, everything people had been brought up to believe in and even worship and love with blind, patriotic fervor? Instead did absolutely fucking nothing, and then failed, and then lost, and then died.

Yonkers kicked off the great zombie panic, because as the viewpoint character puts it, everyone had just been told to kiss their asses goodbye on national television. In a similar way, the only practical effect of impeachment was to tell everyone that the rule of law in America, already on shaky ground, just fucking doesn't exist. If it ever did.

A bitter lesson, but sadly necessary. November is the only chance to stop Orange Man Bad.

Green Eagle said...

Just a pedantic quibble, of course, but by the time David painted this picture, Napoleon had stamped himself for all time as one of the most consequential leaders in all history. Trump is a fool who hardly deserves any comparison to him.

Robt said...

The rule of law always existed. Only it existed to the Chattel.

As in early times only land owners could vote. Excluding the Chattel.

The Right wing's adventures in banning abortion is not meant for well connected and wealthy folks.
This is one of those privileged class allowances. See GOP finance chair Elliot Broidy who could not allow his impregnated mistress to birth an heir to his fortune. The GOP is silent. Even the Rushbo who found it imperative to slut shame Sandra Fluke over birth control has not one single consonant or verb for Elliot Broidy.

You notice the extreme religious right has never opposed the legalized prostitution in Nevada. The do not address the ability of young non affluent new mothers and their ability to afford health care for those fetus's. even after their birth.
There is no shortage of of blaming them for not having the wealth to provide or the ability to have birth control to prevent unplanned pregnancies at such an early age in their life and careers before amassing any financial portfolio. Or, not inheriting enough wealth.

The Justice system has always been slanted in favor of a certain class of people.

In my opinion, ever since FDR tore down the privileged
I can tell you it is not I begrudge or hate wealth and those who possess it. It is the wealthy who despises and punishes those without. class of rule. The right has been owned to reinstate and defend that separate but equal / unequal justice system and has been succeeding. The notion one is less than human because they have not amassed enough wealth is the driver that they hates the preamble of the Constitution. The very first few words of the document....
"We the people".
Yes, We the people are the scariest words from the left to the right.

Chan Kobun said...

Oh look, more Berniestan bullshit

Chan Kobun said...

You must be new here.

Doctender said...

What about it was false?