Saturday, February 29, 2020

Brown Shirts Don't Make It

I Want Just Enough Socialism To Make David Brooks Weep Tears of Blood


Jason said...

I've watched this interview before but it's been awhile. I can't believe among the other talents Zappa had, being a soothsayer is added to the list. He saw the writing on the wall with Reagan.

Mr XD said...

Same as it ever was ~ Flabby white guys in expensive suits with their supercilious smiles and arrogant certainty. Novak gets extra fasci-points for outing Valery Plame-a clear cut act of treason in a just society. God, I miss Zappa - maybe the youngs could
do a reboot of his music, his intelligence and sheer nerve.

Bubba_Deets said...

quit school; Why fake it... Brown shirts don't make it...

Robt said...

Actually help Zappa set up his amps and equipment in Golden Gate park for a day of free live music. In the day it was not abnormal.

Just there and they asked for some help. I obliged. I didn't get any political or philosophical lectures from Frank. Bit we did share a few of those Refer madness sticks.
before he began playing.

They never did understand them young wild hippies. Scared them much. Reagan even alluded to it as governor. Just hate what you do not want to understand. You know, I watched Reagan in the movie "Bed Time for Gonzo" . I did't understand him in it, but I didn't hate him for it.
Most of the lyrics then expressed our points of view. Reagan, Agnew, Nixon.

We never thought we would see a GW Bush or Trump Dick-ships.

They thought they were holding up folks like Zappa to put them on display and it never turned out well for them. They learned that lesson and we see who is allowed on the air today.